Ok here is the deal people...
Down below you will find great website making
tools for your KISS site... If you choose
to use any of the graphics below,
please don't try and
pass these off as your own because we will be
PISSED if you do.. We appreciate
that you use one of the
buttons at the bottom of the page
to link back to us.. We
want some sort of credit for
spending months making
this stuff.. It is only fair
to us, we are doing this as
a courtesy to those of you who
do not know how to make
your own graphics but would like to
have your own site..
And plus stealing graphics from other
site without permission is NOT cool!!
Webmasters spend lots of time on their
sites and do not like
it when people steal from them..
If you made this stuff and seen
someone pass it off as their own, wouldnt
you be pissed? Of course..
So lets show the KISS
webmasters some respect here..

There are links to html help,
along with a great little section at
KISS Freaks about
Web Do's & Donts.. It is
basically gospel as far as
what is cool to do and what is not..
A MUST READ!! Thanks Steve,
wished more people would abid
by it..

If you would like to try your hand
at your own graphics.. Try
Paint Shop Pro..

Need HTML help? Go Here! This is a great HTML help page..

Now you can get started looking at what we have brought
here for you... Just follow the links below...







Haven't found what your looking for?
KISS Creations
might have something that
you are looking for also...

Remember those buttons we were
talking about? Well use
the one below to link back to us
when using our graphics...More buttons to come soon...


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