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ABC AUSTRALIA, 01/12/2003 15:09:47

Paramilitary police sent to Indonesia's Poso district

Indonesian authorities are sending some 200 paramilitary police to reinforce security in the restive district of Poso in Central Sulawesi.

Police say the move follows fresh sectarian violence, which has killed four people and injured four others.

They say gunmen attacked two separate villages on Saturday, killing two people in each of the villages.

A bomb also exploded at the central market of Poso, but there were no casualties.

A national police deputy spokesman in Jakarta says police are sending about 200 men from paramilitary police garrisons in South Sulawesi and East Java.

Up to 1,000 people were killed in Muslim-Christian battles which broke out in Poso district in 2000.

01/12/2003 15:09:47 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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