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ABC AUSTRALIA, 11/12/2003 22:37:18

Indonesian investigators fly home with terror suspects

Six Indonesian students detained in Pakistan on suspicion of terrorist links have been deported.

A spokesman from Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency says the six were handed over to a team of Indonesian officials and have been flown back to the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

The deportation comes just days before Indonesia's president, Megawati Sukarnoputri, is due to make her first state visit to Pakistan.

The students had been studying an an Islamic university in the city of Karachi when they were arrested in September.

Among the six is the younger brother of top terror suspect Hambali, who is being held in detention by the United States after his arrest in Thailand in August.

Pakistani security officials claim the students are part of "a sleeper cell" of the Jemaah Islamiah extremist group.

Another 13 Malaysian students were arrested with the Indonesians and have already been deported.

11/12/2003 22:37:18 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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