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ABC AUSTRALIA, 30/12/2003 05:03:21

Indonesian journalist found dead in war-torn Aceh

An Indonesian television journalist has been found dead in Aceh province, six months after he was kidnapped by separatist rebels.

Ersa Siregar from the private RCTI television network went missing with his cameraman in June, reportedly caught in conflict between rebels of the Free Aceh Movement or GAM and the military.

A military spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Ahmad Yani Basuki says Siregar was found dead alongside the body of a GAM rebel.

It's not known what happened to the cameraman, Ferry Santoro.

The military launched an offensive and imposed martial law in Aceh, on the northern tip of Sumatra island soon after peace talks collapsed in May.

Reuters news agency says GAM officials could not be reached for comment.

Both the military and GAM rebels have been accused by human rights groups of abuses against civilians in the conflict.

30/12/2003 05:03:21 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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