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LAKSAMANA.Net, December 5, 2003 12:01 AM

TAPOL Warning on Papua

Laksamana.Net - TAPOL said the appointment of former East Timor police chief Timbul Silaen as the new police chief of West Papua was "a triumph for impunity over justice".

It also pointed to moves by convicted East Timor militia leader, Eurico Guterres, to establish what is believed to be a militia organization as more fuel for clashes in the area.

Silaen's appointment was announced on Monday. At a press conference Tuesday, outgoing police chief Budi Utomo revealed that Guterres had written to him requesting official permission to set up a militia group known as FPMP (Front Pembela Merah Putih - Red and White Defenders Front) in the mining town of Timika.

While initial reports said the request had been denied, latest reports state that Police have yet to make a decision pending an investigation.

"There are indications that Guterres has already recruited around 200 men for the group," TAPOL said.

"This is an extremely dangerous development for West Papua. Recent violent incidents there and the threat of a military crackdown suggest that the Indonesian military is involved in a systematic attempt to destabilize the territory and create conflict."

Meanwhile police arrested four Papuan students after they released balloon-carried separatist flags into the air during a protest at Semarang, Central Java. The four, who were picked up Wednesday could be charged with treason - a crime that carries a maximum punishment of 20 years in jail.

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