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LAKSAMANA.Net, December 6, 2003 12:48 AM

US Warns of Possible Terror Attacks

Laksamana.Net - The US Embassy has issued a press release warning of a "particularly high" risk of terror attacks in Indonesia over the Christmas and New Year period.

In less frightening news, the embassy has also announced the US Agriculture Department is offering credit guarantees of $200 million for export sales to Indonesia.

Both releases are printed below. Note that in the second release, the term GSM is not a reference to genetically modified organisms. It stands for General Sales Manager of the Foreign Agricultural Service, which administers export credit guarantee programs known as GSM-102 and GSM-103.



U.S. Embassy

Jakarta, Indonesia

Warden Message

December 5, 2003

The Embassy reminds all Americans in Indonesia of the increased volatility of the security environment during the holiday season. On Christmas Eve 2000 there were a series of bombings and attempted bombings at churches throughout Indonesia. The potential for additional bombings of places where Americans and Westerners are known to live, congregate, shop, or visit, especially hotels, clubs, restaurants, shopping centers, housing compounds, transportation systems, places of worship, schools, or outdoor recreation events is particularly high during the weeks around Christmas through the New Year. Americans are encouraged to read the Department of State's latest Worldwide Caution Public Announcement at

Please also note that the Embassy will be closed in observance of the holidays on December 25 and January 1. American citizens needing emergency assistance can be connected to the duty officer by calling the Embassy at 021-3435-9000.


Public Affairs Section

December 5, 2003

US Department of Agriculture Offers in GSM-102 Credit Guarantees of $200 Million for Export Sales to Indonesia in Fiscal Year 2004

The Embassy of the United States is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has authorized $200 million in credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities to Indonesia under the Commodity Credit Corporation’s Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102) for fiscal year 2004. The GSM program will enable Indonesian agricultural importers and U.S. exporters to maintain and further develop our already strong agricultural trading relationship.

Exporters may apply for credit guarantees on a first-come, first-served basis to cover sales of any of the commodities, excluding soybeans, specified in the GSM list of commodities published in Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) program announcement PR0346-02 issued Sept. 24, 2002, or as superseded. The latest commodity list can be obtained by accessing the FAS homepage as specified below. Eligibility for this program will close on September 30, 2004.

The allocation does not assign dollar amounts to any of the commodities specified in the GSM list of commodities, providing buyers and sellers maximum flexibility in arranging the size of their transactions within the scope of the overall allocation.


Any bank approved by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) for Indonesia is eligible. For a complete list of eligible banks, refer to the CCC “GSM Program Foreign Bank Obligors” Web page located at

For further information, please contact the Agricultural Affairs Office at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta at Tel# 3435-9161/64 or by email at

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