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UN Office For The Coordination Of Humanitarian Affairs

Indonesia - OCHA Consolidated Situation Report No. 160
20 - 26 December 2003

Provincial Updates


Central Sulawesi

Various local newspapers reported on Monday (22 Dec.), that heavy rains on Sunday (21 Dec.) had 110 houses (of which 82 inundated, 20 heavily damaged, and 8 swept way), 1 kiosk and collapsed 6 electricity poles in Loli Tasiburi village in Donggala district. The rain also caused a landslide in Kebun Kopi area that blocked a road connecting Poso and Palu, and collapsed two bridges. The Loli Tasiburi residents sheltered in a nearby mosque (118 HH) and relative's houses. Staff from relevant government institutions, TNI and social organisations (AMPI-AMPG and Mapala UNTAD) have distributed rice and boxes of instant noodles.


According to SATKORLAK PBP Jambi on Tuesday (23 Dec.), the floods in Muaro Jambi district and Jambi city was receding, however some 2,565 HH remained displaced in Muaro Jambi district and 30 temporary shelters are still in function in Jambi city.

The provincial government provided 150 MT of rice and the Department of Social Affairs on Monday (22 Dec.) have supplied 150 MT of rice, as well as other non-food items (cooking utensils, sarongs, sleeping mats and tents). SATKORLAK PBP Jambi said on Monday (22 Dec.), that due to limited road access, the impediment of food distribution has caused food shortage in some flood posts.

According to local authority from Health Bureau (Dinas Kesehatan) on Monday (22 Dec.), many victims suffer from diarrhoea, skin diseases (with pruritic symptoms), respiratory problems and snakebite. The Health Bureau Jambi on Monday (22 Dec.) has requested the central government via the Department of Health to provide additional pharmaceutical and water purification supplies.

SATKORLAK PBP Jambi on Monday (22 Dec.) has sent a request to OCHA for food assistance (powdered milk and other fortified food) and the request has been forwarded to WFP and PMI.

The Jakarta Post reported on Saturday (20 Dec.), that PMI has supplied medicines for diarrhoea, skin irritations and respiratory diseases for the victims in Jambi. On Tuesday (23 Dec.), PMI sent staff to Jambi province to undertake further needs assessment.

Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

Kompas reported on Tuesday (23 Dec.), that tropical cyclone Debbie hit East Nusa Tenggara, causing strong wind, heavy rains, and tidal wave in the surrounding ocean. The peak of the cyclone happened on Sunday (21 Dec.). No casualties or damage were reported.

Manado, North Sulawesi

The Jakarta Post reported on Monday (22 Dec.), that storm on Thursday (18 Dec.) and torrential rain from 18 to 20 December had toppled many trees, and dragged down many electricity poles. Fifty percent of the installed electricity capacity was paralysed for two days. On Saturday (20 Dec.), the storm had largely subsided and the electricity was restored in most of the affected areas.

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh)

A local newspaper, Waspada, reported on Tuesday (23 Dec.), that hundreds of homes and numerous schools were inundated on Monday (22 Dec.) as a result of heavy rains since Sunday (21 Dec.) in Langsa Barat and Birem Bayeun sub-districts of East Aceh. Neither significant damages nor human casualties were reported.

Pandeglang, Banten

Kompas reported on Wednesday (24 Dec.), that incessant rains since Friday (19 Dec.) evening triggered floods in Pagelaran and Patia sub-district in Pandeglang district of Banten province. The floods inundated at least 250 houses and thousands of hectares of rice field. The floodwater level was between 100 cm to 200 cm, especially in Sukadame, Pagelaran, Tegalpapak, and Bulagor villages of Pagelaran sub-district and Idaman village of Patia sub-district.


According to SATKORLAK PBP Riau on Monday (22 Dec.), the most affected areas remained Indragiri Hulu and Pelalawan districts. The number of displaced people in Indragiri Hulu has increased up to 1,726 persons. Meanwhile in Pekanbaru city, although the floods have mostly subsided, many displaced people remain living in temporary tents.

Damaged roads and bridges, as well as high level of floodwaters hamper the distribution of relief assistance to the 3,136 people in Kampar Kiri sub-district of Kampar district.

The provincial and district government continue to provide food items and pharmaceutical supplies. The Department of Social Affairs has provided 100 MT of rice, as well as other non-food items (sarong, cooking utensils, sleeping mats and tents).

According to the local Health Bureau on Monday (22 Dec.), two persons were hospitalised on Sunday (21 Dec.) due to diarrhoea and respiratory problem.

SATKORLAK PBP Riau indicated on Monday (22 Dec.), that post-flood-assistance (e.g., family kits, cooking utensils, cleaning utensils, etc.), along with food and pharmaceutical supplies, would be required.

The Jakarta Post reported on Saturday (20 Dec.), that PMI has supplied medicines for diarrhoea, skin irritations and respiratory diseases for the victims in Riau. PMI informed on Tuesday (23 Dec.), that its staff would undertake needs assessment for the flood victims.

2. ACEH (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)

General Situation

Various local press reported that 7 civilians and 20 GAM members were killed in Aceh province during the week.

The Jakarta Post reported on Wednesday (24 Dec.), that the GoRI granted access for five international organizations of the United Nations, and ICRC, to return to Aceh. The Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, S.B. Yudhoyono, said on Tuesday (23 Dec.), that the selected groups were the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Education, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Susilo emphasized that the new policy was part of the government's intention to boost transparency and accountability during the integrated operations. Besides these five international organizations, the Coordinating Minister would consider allowing other foreign institutions to resume their operations in line with the improvement in security conditions in Aceh.

Currently OCHA is the only UN agency present in Banda Aceh with expatriate staff. The government has issued blue books to WFP Country Director, WHO Health Coordinator for Aceh and has approved the issuance of a blue book for UNICEF Filed Officer for Aceh for a period of 28 days.

Minister S.B. Yudhoyono stated on Tuesday (23 Dec.), that Jakarta would establish an integrated monitoring team that could hopefully prevent the misuse of funds for the "integrated operations" in Aceh. Susilo reiterated that the team members would consist of relevant government institutions/officials and two NGOs that have good capabilities to enhance good governance.

A multinational fertiliser plant in Aceh, Aceh ASEAN Fertiliser (AAF), officially shut down its operation on Monday (22 Dec.) for the second time this year after its gas supply from Exxon-Mobil was halted. In addition, electricity supply to neighbouring villages in North Aceh district sourced from the plant also stopped operating. Workers are expected to stage a protest at North Aceh District Parliament where about 700 permanent personnel and 500 part-timers have been affected from this set back.

A local newspaper, Serambi, quoted the Head of the National Election Committee (KPU), Nazaruddin, on Saturday (20 Dec.), saying that he supported GoRI's decision in allowing the presence of international election observers in Aceh as long as they were able to obtain the approval from the Foreign Ministry and local Military Emergency Administrator. Meanwhile, Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Rymizard Ryacudu, stressed that if the observers were to travel to Aceh for other purposes besides monitoring the elections implying espionage, the people of this nation should support expelling such persons from the province.

Serambi also quoted Gen. Ryamizard Ryacudu, on Saturday (20 Dec.), saying that TNI in Aceh did not support the formation of militia groups in Aceh to fight against GAM. He mentioned that the establishment of anti-separatist movements were to build people's confidence in backing military's offensive upon GAM. This week, thousands of citizens from East Aceh district armed with knives and sharpened bamboo sticks screened the forests on foot and coastlines with canoes in search of GAM hideouts.

Population Movement

IOM reported that as of Monday (22 Dec.), the total number of IDPs in the province remained at 5,263 persons (1,147 HH) in 7 sites within 4 districts. A total of 121,609 persons (28,160 HH) have been displaced since military emergency status was imposed in the province.


General Situation

On Tuesday (23 Dec.), Police Bomb Squad defused a low explosive bomb in a field nearby the Lembomawo Village Head Office in Poso Kota sub-district. The bomb was found on a public transportation and reported to the nearby security officer. On Monday (22 Dec.), residents in Poso Kota also heard a suspected bomb explosion, however Police has yet to found the area of explosion.


General Situation

A local newspaper, Ambon Ekspres, quoted the Head of Police for Maluku Province, Brig. Gen. Bambang Sutrisno, on Tuesday (24 Dec.), saying that there is a possibility of a bomb threat, crime and traffic jam in several areas in Maluku during the celebration of Christmas and New Year. He also expressed his wishes to the community to assist the security apparatus to secure the Christmas and New Year celebration.

Population Movement

A local newspaper, Metro Maluku, reported on Monday (22 Dec.), that 102 displaced families (230 people) in Maluku province, returned to Tobelo of North Maluku province on Sunday (21 Dec.) at 19:24 pm local time. The IDPs are originally from Kao, Tobelo, Galela and Morotai sub-districts of North Maluku. According to the project coordinator for the handling of IDPs in Maluku province, Husni Lessy, the IDPs had received living allowance of IDR 1,250,000 (USD 149) per families that includes transportations fee of IDR 250,000 (USD 30) per person. He added that the North Maluku government would provide building material assistance (BBR) and empowerment allowance for the returnees.


General Situation and Population Movement

Nothing to report.


General Situation

A local newspaper, Papua Post, quoted the Commander of Police Military Center, Maj. Gen. TNI Sulaiman AB, on Tuesday (22 Dec.), saying that investigation carried out by FBI failed to prooveany involvement of Indonesian military in August 2002 Timika ambush. This statement was also confirmed by Former Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Made Mangku Pastika.


General Situation and Population Movement

Nothing to report.




On Tuesday (23 Dec.), SC US conducted a coordination meeting facilitated by the Provincial Health Department and participated by WHO, university lecturers, Statistic Bureau Office and LNGOs to present the result of Cognitive, Attitude and Perception (CAP) on Malaria Survey carried out in Simeulue Island.


UNICEF's implementing partner, Muhammadiyah, conducted workshops from 20 to 24 December, on child's rights, child protection and psychosocial activities for some 200 children from primary and secondary schools inSouth, Central and Great Aceh districts.


Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

Mercy Corps funded a Quick Impact Programme Proposal from LNGO, Yayasan Harapan Kita, on Tuesday (24 Dec.) that will provide building material (wood) for construction of shelters, bedding and kitchen materials to 2 HH (6 persons) in Toyado village in Lage Sub-district.



Under its youth empowerment programme (funded by AusAID), CARDI conducted a third monitoring visit to seven schools and five youth centers that are being rehabilitated and constructed in West Seram sub-district of Seram Island.

From 21 to 24 December, Mercy Corps staff went to Masohi village of Central Maluku district to participate in a workshop conducted by UNDP on empowering communities through micro credit programme.


Under its community rehabilitation programme (funded by SV), CARDI finalised 17 community proposals in West Seram sub-district of Seram Island.

Water and Sanitation

Under its water and sanitation programme, AcF conducted a preparation on distribution of health education kits for communities on Buru Island.



Under its Community Rehabilitation Initiative (CRI) Programme, CARDI conducted field monitoring to Gane Barat sub-district, as well as field assessment and monitoring in 5 villages in Oba sub-district.


Under its youth programme, CARDI is working on the resumption of training material for Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Facilitation Techniques.

From 23 to 24 December, CARDI coordinated with the local Education Bureau (Dinas Pendidikan) to develop a MoU on provision of teachers for the schools that will be rehabilitated by CARDI.

Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

From 8 to 12 December, CORDAID conducted activities to socialize its UNOPS programme on Community Infrastructure in 26 villages in 3 sub-districts of Bacan island, and 20 villages in Weda and Gane Barat sub-districts of Halmahera.

From 19 to 23 December, CORDAID conducted Training of Trainers on community organizing and capacity building on Tidore island.


In conjunction with the end of its Informed Decision Making Programme, CARDI held a show titled Better Go Home (Pulang Lebih Bae) in cooperation with Theater Anak Bangsa Club on Sunday (21 Dec), conducted a workshop on community empowerment in cooperation with Village Community Empowerment Body (Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa) on Monday (22 Dec.), and distribution of the 3rd and the last edition of Voice of IDPs (Suara Pengungsi) magazine in Ternate.


Food Security and Agriculture

Papua Post quoted Chief Director of PD Irian Bhakti Papua, Mathias Sarwa, on Tuesday (22 Dec.), saying that the central government would allocate IDR 29 billion (USD 3,4 million) for provision of rice to civil servants working in remote areas in Papua.

Economic Recovery and Infrastructure

Papua Post quoted the Vice Governor of Papua, Constant Karma, on Tuesday (22 Dec.), saying that Integrated Economic Development Zone (Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu or KAPET) upon its six years operation had failed to reach its goal due to lack of conception at local level and different perception of stakeholders at central government level.


Nothing to report.

Selected Abbreviations Key

ACF Action Contre la Faim
BAKORNAS PBP National Coordinating Board for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees
BRIMOB Police Mobile Brigade
BULOG National Logistics Agency
CWS Church World Service
GAM Free Aceh Movement
GoRI Government of Indonesia
CARDI Consortium for Assistance to Refugees and the Displaced in Indonesia
CoHA Cessation of Hostilities Agreement
CORDAID Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development
HDC Henry Dunant Center
HH House Holds
ICMC International Catholic Migration Commission
IMC International Medical Corps
IDP Internally displaced person
IRD International Relief and Development
JRS Jesuit Refugee Service
JSC Joint Security Committee
KOMNAS HAM National Commission on Human Rights
KOPASSUS Army's Special Force
KOSTRAD Army's Strategic Reserve Command
MSF - B Medecins sans Frontieres Belgium
MCK Combined Bathing, Washing and Latrine Facility
OPM Free Papua Organization
PMI Indonesian Red Cross
Poliandes Field Health Post
Posyandu Integrated health service
Puskesmas Primary health centre
Pustu Primary health unit
SATKORLAK PBP Provincial Coordinating Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees
SATLAK PBP District Executing Unit for the Management of Disaster and IDPs/Refugees
SC US Save the Children US
TNI Indonesian Armed Forces
WVI World Vision International

This report and previous ones can be found at

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