Remarks of Participants
in the Leader Support Groups

Rainbow Line

"I got a whole new perspective on the next generation of leaders. I got to see that the issues in leadership I face today in my 40's are still the same for those 10 years senior to me. I was surprised that we thought so similarly from radically different backgrounds." --- [Paul, 40, corporate trainer]

"I appreciate that this forces me to keep cool, keep focused, really listen to others. It's down time for me. By having taken these two hours, I feel more focused and efficient." --- [Evelina, 34, Internet developer from Europe]

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"I got an insight into several lives that were so different from mine -- I got to see how other people operate, live and feel. Another insight was to realize how important it is for people to be listened to. I was delighted with the variety that came -- each person was so memorable." --- [Ruth, 82, leader of nonviolence workshops]

"It's extremely important to give time for reflection to see where we all are. Leaders need to make radical decisions in a short amount of time, so we need to be clear about priorities." --- [Michael, 19, gay activist]

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"There's lots of positiveness around this table -- lots of diversity." --- [Zenobia, 45, in pastoral studies]

"I like the listening here. I always get a new perspective on things -- I think of things I wouldn't think of otherwise." --- [Nancy, 60, anti-racism facilitator]

"I'm amazed at how much clearer my thinking has become just by saying it out loud." -- [Vancie, 68, lay church leader]

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"I like the openness here of being affirmed for what you're doing right, rather than being criticized. It brings peace of mind and a sense of some self-worth back." --- [Carl, 18, bicycle program volunteer]

"I was really tired, but I'm glad I came. It's nice and relaxing here." --- [Bobby, 46, minister from Africa]

"I really appreciate the different ages and backgrounds reflected here." --- [Arthur, 57, minister, neighborhood leader]

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"Everyone here wants to have an impact, and I feel encouraged." --- [Young, 24, Asian-American activist artist]

"It was very beneficial to meet people from other fields and hearing that they were going through the same types of challenges -- I liked the mix." --- [Steve, 41, food pantry director]

"This time gave you the opportunity toactively listen and to really be listened to. It was good to look at ourselves, to focus on what's was going on with each individual. I was very uncertain of what the group would be like -- if we would really mesh. I was hesitant at first, but I really enjoyed it. Even though we were quite different, ultimately we were dealing with the same things. We became a family and it motivated me to keep going." --- [Queenie, 27, social service worker]

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"I stuck with it and was glad I did, since there were people from every walk of life and there was surprising commonality across everyone's lives. It was refreshing to be validated in your own experience as you listened to others. The process itself was good -- it was good but tough to keep re-evaluating yourself with the same questions. I was uncertain how the over-65 members would receive me at the first meeting, but it was no problem." --- [Michael, 19, gay activist]

"It's surprising that no matter who's situation is described -- it may seem entirely different -- we have the same basic problems, obstacles, and possibilities in motivating ourselves and others. We're all in this together!" --- [Vancie, 68, lay church leader]

"By getting together with others and verbalizing, I saw things I wouldn't have otherwise and came up with new possibilities. The listening to others, brainstorming, and setting priorities was helpful. Getting acquainted with others and seeing how they are involved in the community helped keep me from feeling alone." --- [Arthur, 57, minister, neighborhood leader]

"There's a lot of heart here... I'm encouraged!" ---[Frank, 35, youth mission worker]

"This helped me grow some, made me more confident. I'm able to work in more groups now and to even sing in the church choir. That really stretched my comfort zone! I learned a lot about different folks. Even though we were all in different avenues of life, we really bonded." --- [Willella, 45, child educator]

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"This connecting is what it's got to be about!" --- [Orval, 54, musician, public speaker]

"Surprisingly, I really like this process. It feels safe and comfortable. I don't feel like an idiot here, like I have in other places." --- [Linda, 36, arts center director]

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"It helped me within my leadership to see the peaks and downfalls that can be expected, and that you're not the only one experiencing this. It definitely helped with the prevention of burnout, when my Senior year [in high school] was so uncertain." --- [Carl, 18, bicycle program volunteer]

"This gives a chance to show my 'weaker' side, without letting anybody down who relies on my strength." --- [Ruth, 82, leader of nonviolence workshops]

"I'm amazed about this process working the way it does. It really is a very safe place where people will not interrupt you... This group has helped me broaden my very narrow idea of what leadership is." --- [Evelina, 34, Internet developer from Europe]

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"It forces me to look at me, since we're so busy doing for others. It's refreshing and my time. We have a common interest, and that's nice to see. And this causes me to talk, rather than the way I usually just listen. This supports you to strive a little better, rather than keeping it all inside." --- [Queenie, 27, social service worker]

"I don't think about 'leadership' anywhere else in my life, and I realize I'm taking leadership at work, in spite of myself!" --- [Nancy, 60, anti-racism facilitator]

Rainbow Line

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