
Lần này -Alita- có 10 cách rất hay để nói : “I love U”. Mong rằng bạn tìm được trừơng hợp của mình và dùng nó thay cho “ lời trái tim muốn nói”.

1.Everyone needs someone on whom

    they can rely

    To be their guide and not their judge

    and dry the tears they cry

    In you I know I’ve found someone

    on whom I can depend

    To be there as my soul and mate……

    ……..lover and best friend



  2.Sometimes I can’t find the words,

     to tell you how I feel,

     But I hope you will always know

     that my love for you is real

     In everyday I thankful

     that you have come may way

     and you know I love you……

     ……….more than any words can say


3.My love for you is still as strong

     as it was from the start,

     from the first time I saw your face

     and you captured my heart.

     So if ever think of me

     And I’m not there to say,

     I love you so very much………

     ……..in every single day


4.For you I would do anything

   I would climb the mountains high

   I would stand upon the highest peak

   and watch the cloud go by

   I would leap into the fountain

   And sit for all to see,

   For you I would do anything…..

   ……..as long as you are with me


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