Eve was left behind after the Rapture. She was twenty five. She and her friend Candy escaped immediately from the big city to a smaller town about 100 miles away, and took up residence in her father and stepmother’s house. They had been Raptured. Before long, they had to run to the forest, rocks and hills around 20 miles from the house. After they arrived at a log cabin in the woods, the horrible five months of torture began, and they suffered horribly from the demonic hordes set free for this purpose. Meanwhile, Candy’s husband had found his way to the cabin, and joined his wife. All were and are Christians now, and have refused the mark. Candy and her husband were captured and beheaded. Eve’s husband died. Eve had to leave the cabin as soon as the torture ended, because the United Nations agents would soon arrive. Eve had to run deeper into the forest, and was surviving along with Adam, the Jewish man with whom she is residing, and they have fallen in love. He, too, is now a Christian. It has been a little over a year since the Rapture, and Eve just turned twenty seven, although sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what day it is, esp. for those without radios and televisions. She and Adam are just barely surviving, and have no food or water left.
Eve knows that there is still just over two and one half years until Jesus’ second coming, and if she and Adam are still alive then, they will be gathered up from the “four corners of the earth” to join Jesus at Megiddo. Not only does Adam refuse to have sexual relations with her now because it would be fornication, but they are both concerned about pregnancy. They both know about the “woe” to the pregnant woman and the mothers who “give suck” or nurse their babies. All children who were born before the Rapture were not accountable because of their tender ages were taken at the Rapture. Eve often wonders about the young unwed women whose baby boy had been born just minutes after the Rapture. She and the baby had lived with Eve for a brief spell. Even then, Eve had thought about the baby “just his luck”, and of course, “just her luck”, meaning the woman. Eve prays for them frequently, although not knowing whether they are dead or alive. Eve herself is having a hard time in many respects. Just hiding is getting to her. Plus they need food and water. She longs to see the real world, as risky as this would be, and to get a peek at her house again. Most of all, she wants to get married! As horrible as the mouse and bird eating is, it gets worse! One day the cat simply does not return. Now Adam knows he must agree with Eve. They have killed a few animals for food, and fortunately sometimes they are even able to cook outside, if using extreme caution. They’ve eaten leaves, bark, grass, etc. After considerable prayer and thought, Adam agrees to venture away. The car is parked quite a ways away from them, on purpose. They had snuck out, back and forth from it, various times and now need to figure out a way to get their meager supplies back into it. They haul a few things in the dark and need to make sure the car even starts! It does. Adam reminds Eve that God is still supernaturally intervening on their behalf, and they know they must continue acknowledging and thanking Him.  After several trips, the car is loaded and they take off in the dark. The first place they go is to Eve’s former cabin in the forest. They get water into their numerous empty jugs. They pick grass and edible flowers. Eve asks Adam what he thinks about going into the cabin. The daylight has broken, and the heat is unbearable. They had stopped the car some distance from the cabin and gingerly stealth around to get a peek into the windows. No one there, but they spot ‘Beast’ U.N. uniforms inside. Whoops! So now it’s back to the drawing board.
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS             (PART TWO)                  (PAGE 3) (or p. 14)
Written by Cynthia Diane
They run back to the car and take off. They’re going home! It’s risky out in the open, too. The U.N. agents carry scanners, and can instantly ascertain whether people have the mark or not. People are forced to stay home now, and many times home is inside a camp, village or unit that they have been forced into. That doesn’t even include the giant concentration camp to which the world has been converted. In some ways, they are the same, except that one is for “dissenters” and the other isn’t. Most have been forced to give up the majority of their belongings, even if those possessions would have survived the holocausts so far! Of course, the true God is blamed for the disasters among the majority, and the false god, the Antichrist, is given most of the credit for “fixing” things. The only way anyone can roam freely now is with permission, like when he or she works for the United Nations in a capacity that requires him or her to be outside. People are required to buy and sell off of the internet, which now requires the Mark. Some are hired to deliver to homes, etc. So the Mark gives instant identification, with scanners being used for validation. Consequently, Adam and Eve are not sure what they will encounter. They again take the dirt and back roads that Eve and Candy had used to exit the town. They decide to stop and hide the car. It has only been about 25 miles from their cabin spot, or 42 miles from their hiding place. But the trip had taken a long time. Adam tells Eve that it’s daytime and it’s hot, so suggests they get some sleep now. Eve lies down on one side of the car and Adam on the other. Adam insists on a sleeping arrangement that will keep them from as much temptation as possible. Back when they had first met, Eve, Adam and the other young woman had all slept in fairly close proximity, even though all had just met. After the woman with them was captured, at first Adam and Eve had continued to sleep fairly close to each other, in separate sleeping bags. But as they had begun to bond, Adam was working hard to waylay temptation, and expects Eve’s cooperation. Many times Adam is agreeing with Eve about getting married, because he is beginning to relate well to “better to marry than to burn with lust”!  How he loves Eve! He prays, “God, you know all about it, because you created us this way on purpose, so I am glad you understand”. What a weird time for the two of them to be “twitterpated” towards each other, Adam thinks, with all of the darkness and gloom surrounding them. Eve is frustrated, too, but she has so much love, trust and respect for Adam for being this way. She remembers how she had envied Candy and Paul and their love, after they were reconciled as Christians. She had believed it was too late for God to ever grant her that kind of marriage, and now look! “Thank you God, oh Lord, thank you, and please let us get married and experience that joy before you take us out of  here”, she prays, then falls asleep.
They do not wake up until around 9:00 that night. Wow, good sleep, for so many adverse circumstances. As they crawl back into the car, Eve tells Adam about the people she and Candy had left in her house. When she says the young Jewish man’s name, Adam is amazed. I know him well, he tells Eve. We attended synagogue together! They really don’t believe he’ll still be at the house, but who knows!? Then Adam gets practical. Let’s do what we have to do, then pack as little as possible, because we’ll have to walk from here, and we’re going to have to appear somewhat “normal”. Reality. So they tend to hygienic needs, shielding themselves one from the other, using some of the water to both drink and wash up, pack their backpacks and begin their trek.  It’s dark, but still quite hot. They are still in the woods, but see lights not too far away. In about an hour, they reach the main highway, and have already decided to risk hitchhiking. They hide, watching all of the U.N. vehicles of all shapes, sizes and purposes go by. When they see an actual car, after having prayed, they stand up and stick out their thumbs. It stops for them. The two men inside look surprised, but curious. Adam and Eve can tell immediately they have the Mark, so will have to exercise extreme caution. There is an evil air about these men, as there is with all with the Mark. It can be described as worldly, part of the system, although overtly they are just being themselves. They inquire as to what Adam and Eve are doing out like this. Adam and Eve know these men would delight in turning them in, so total honesty is twisted somewhat, although this makes them, as Christians, feel guilty. They want to be as honest as they can, without facing beheading, so Adam does the talking. He does not want to subject his betrothed to any more than he must. He laughs and tells them they got bored, so are just out seeing how far they can get just tromping around like in the good old days. Fortunately, the men react in a way that demonstrates it makes sense to them. Whew!
They get dropped off just about ½ mile from Eve’s house, which had belonged to Eve’s Dad and Stepmom before the Rapture.
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS      (PART TWO)          (PAGE 4      or        Page  15)
It’s about 12:30 p.m. and they head over to Eve’s house to snoop around. Eve is hungry, so they swallow their pride and go down the alley to get food from garbage cans. They hate this but they thank the Lord because there are some ‘good eats’. This in itself is surprising because there is famine everywhere. There are a few chokecherries on Eve’s backyard tree, and they eat some. Two of the trees in the front yard are pine and two are leafy, so they help themselves to some familiar pine needles. All of that taxol, shouldn’t get cancer, Eve thinks. She rationalizes that they might as well think positive. And there are good old dandelions and evening primrose in the open field across from the house, alongside cactus. Eve knows all are safe to eat, and again with the famine is grateful to even have access to that. The have ventured to that field and along the roadside there because they must, in order to eat. Eve doesn’t even think about the days before the Rapture anymore, when she wouldn’t have considered this. It now seems so long ago even though it isn’t. Another era. Good thing Adam has heavy gloves and a big knife for protection and mostly for cutting cactus. Even this is a treat in these days when people everywhere would thank God for every morsel, if they are saints without the mark of the beast. Nowadays this counts as nutrition and sustenance.  Besides that, it is dangerous to be out and about like this. Adam reminds her to continually thank God, and Eve is also thankful to have a man like him. She is trying so hard to be a Christian woman, and Adam would settle for nothing less, as his life’s partner. They go back across the street to Eve’s house, and after heavy prayer, settle in next to the young mulberry trees between the garage and the fence, to hide. Eve has her gun handy again.
Around 4:30 a.m. there are signs of life coming from the house. Dawn is breaking and they know the scorching heat will return as the day goes on. But they don’t consider that their biggest problem at the moment. Two male forms are emerging into the back yard! But this turns out to be an occasion for praising the Lord. It’s one of the 144,000 young Jewish men that had nursed Adam through the torture and the other young man that had lived there with Eve and Candy! Since they do not know Adam and Eve are there, and since they are coming out to “relieve” themselves, Eve and Adam avert their eyes and wait, so they can avoid startling the two young men.  As the Jewish evangelists are heading back toward the house, Adam calls out their names as discreetly as possible. Adam and Eve are crawling out, but the men are armed and instantly have their guns aimed. Immediately they lower them and all hug. But stay quiet, they are warned. The men escort Eve and Adam back into the house, through the back door. Eve still has her key, and loves the sense of familiarity. There are 10 other people there now, and most of them are asleep. Adam already knows THREE of the men, along with at least the one that Eve knows. They find out that among the others are a combination of the 144,000 and others. As far as they know, three of them may be Gentiles, but they are devout Christians. It turns out that the actual residents are members of the beast system, but they are away for a period of five weeks. Eve feels like that’s a violation of her property rights to her territory, but knows there is nothing she can do about that. During the short time everyone lives in Eve’s house extreme caution must be exercised. They are catching up by whispering, and Adam surprises everyone by announcing to one of the 144,000 that he knows he is supposed to perform a legal wedding for himself and Eve. When asked where he is getting his information, Adam just smiles.  As the others begin to awaken and arise, Eve makes another delightful discovery. The Gentile couple in their 50’s are two of the very same people who had lived with her and Candy before! This helps to contribute to the festive mood. Everyone is thrilled to have a wedding to focus on, and that the preparations get to be made.  So the young Adam and Eve are warmly greeted by all. No one’s more excited than Eve, however.  Well, maybe Adam is! They set their wedding day for two days away. They even make out little announcement/invitations, and pass them around.  Eve and everyone else are determined to do this thing up to the maximum level allowed by such adverse circumstances. The women in the group help Eve rig up a wedding dress and their bridesmaids’ outfits.  The men tend to Adam. This becomes fun! There are so few chances to rejoice. I wish Mom, Dad, my stepparents, little brother and Candy, Paul and all of my other friends could be here for this, Eve thinks, as she quickly reverts to thoughts about how different it is now than when she married her former husband.  The newly-formed group of wonderful Christian friends living in Eve’s house have been secretly gathering the best gifts they can muster up.  They have been putting together a banquet, or at least some semblance thereof, for the joyous occasion. Before the wedding, the women run the men out of the room, actually to another part of the house, and have Eve’s party, complete with gifts and even pictures.  One of the women manages to give Eve a sexy nightie, which Eve suspects may have even belonged to her stepmom and had been stashed in some remote drawer. When the men are let back into her presence, and see the nightie, they make all of the appropriate responses.  After all, Adam and Eve will soon be married and legal, so it’s all in order. Everyone knows that the two have saved themselves for each other, so a little more honor is given to the union. They all congratulate Adam, telling him what a blessed man he is. Eve is flattered, flustered and even embarrassed.  It feels wonderful. Wow, she thinks, I feel like a blushing bride-to-be, and the women are giggling with delight.  Now is the time to get rested for the big wedding day.
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS                    (PART TWO)                    (page 5          or              page 16)
Eve is actually a beautiful bride, and Adam indeed her handsome groom. She has not even felt attractive in so long, and she knows that God is allowing her to radiate in her moment of wedded bliss.  She wonders if there is actually a great crowd of witnesses up there, at least God, dad, stepmom, and little brother, and of course Candy and Paul and others, imploring on her behalf for this day of happiness. The women get her ready, and the plan is for the men to announce “behold the bridegroom cometh, go out to meet him” when the big moment arrives. They all hope that’s acceptable to God. Adam and Eve have no idea what to expect, but simply allow all of their attendants to run the show. They have kept Adam and Eve apart for almost two days, except for that brief spell right after the wedding shower. Eve is upstairs, even though conditions are crowded, and Adam banished to the downstairs. They know that everyone is sacrificing on their behalf, but no one is complaining. So they get “hitched” without a “hitch”. The wedding must be discreet, because of neighbors and United Nations agents. But it is complete with wine and fancy meal afterwards, even the set of stepmom and dad’s wine glasses. Eve considers it an honor to still be able to have those mixed in with the “fixins”. These glasses say “bride” and “groom”, and there is only enough wine for the two glasses, and only enough fancy food for her and Adam to eat. Eve has no idea how they came up with all of this, and feels guilty, but knows that’s how they all want it.  She thinks to herself, wait until I tell Dad and Stepmommy about this, if they don’t know now. She knows they would be delighted that she is sharing in their own home and wedding glasses, etc. She even realizes that her stepmother and her own mother would have gladly helped with these preparations if they were available, and is deeply thankful for the newly
found group of fellow believers in Jesus that substitute as equally willing participants.  This kind of love is a rare commodity these days.  God’s grace is still abundant, but not all are looking very hard to see it. Eve knows that the scriptures demonstrate there is coming a day soon when the bride and bridegroom will be found no more, and that will be before the second coming. She figures these days could be nearing the end of all weddings on earth, although that glorious wedding in heaven isn’t halted.  All of her friends know it too, and actually feel honored to share in the experience.  It could be their last earthly fling at a wedding or holiday celebration.  She wonders about her mother and stepfather. How are they doing? Did they really take the mark? She hopes not, and again wishes they could be here for the big day. There is absolutely no way to reach them. People all over the world have long since given up on getting ahold of loved ones, unless they are blessed enough to be together.
Lots of bodies and corpses are unidentified, even in the perfected U.N. identification system, so many don’t even know if they are still married!  Eve knows it’s only a fluke that she had her own widow status revealed, and can have this day with Adam. Otherwise, as a Christian woman, she’d have been in sort of a “limbo” state.  So in addition to the rape of women, there is fornication, adultery, and legitimization of polygamy.  What a mess! Many who have taken to hiding and are away from spouses, etc., or have no way to legally marry, are simply either declaring themselves married or skipping the process altogether, even though they know it displeases God. Women, to a great degree, are doing it for protection, wrong though it is.  But that problem among the new “church” is dwindling, because most have been captured anyway.  Eve’s group has no idea how they have managed to stay in the house and in hiding, alive, except for the presence a few of the 144,000 there, along with possible members of the Jewish remnant. If Eve is indeed a non-Jew, she realizes her presence alive is becoming rarer than gold, and that thought overwhelms her.  And there are even other Gentiles there, probably, which makes it more unbelievable. And she’s having a wedding, and she has loving friends! She avoids thinking about the rarity of it all, and focuses on simply thanking the Lord for it.
After the wedding feast, the group directs Adam and Eve to the ‘wedding suite’, the master bedroom complete with accommodations.  This is the same room where Eve had slept before, right after the Rapture.  The only time they are to venture out is to go to the bathroom, they are instructed.  Everyone stays as far away as possible, except for leaving “room service” outside the door, and they are to leave the leftover stuff back outside the door. They are to announce loudly “I’m coming out” on the occasion that they exit the room, so that everyone can vanish from sight.  Complete privacy for them on their “honeymoon”, and it is fantastic!  This really is a honeymoon for Adam and Eve. Eve has never known sex to be so good. And it shows.  After two days, when they are instructed to emerge back into “real life”, the bang on the door comes with “o.k., lovebirds, time’s up”. They must leave their little fantasy world. Eve is still blushing, and the giggling over the two of them continues along with remarks for days afterwards, but the group is so happy for the joy they find in these newlyweds. You’d love your new son-in-a-law, Dad, and you’d really approve, Stepmom, she tells herself.  Their biggest concern would be pregnancy. It would have been difficult to avoid, had they not discovered some birth control pills and devices in a remote place.  They had belonged to Eve’s stepmother, and Eve wonders if they weren’t left as another of her wedding gifts.  “Thanks, you think of everything”! Adam is also determined that they should wait to have children until after the second coming, beginning in the millennium. If either of them should die before that, or with all the flight and hiding, it would be unfair to both Eve and a baby. So pregnancy and infants are out of the question now. Adam would not impose that kind of disaster willingly, so their sex life is enhanced by the fact that the concern is diminished. Besides, they are both excited at the prospect of having their children when Jesus is back and actually ruling from Jerusalem! They hope that is in God’s plan for their future.  He reminds Eve that they and the babies will actually live longer and produce lots of descendents for them. They are talking in scriptural terms now, and meaning it.
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS           (PART TWO)                (Page 17           or            Page 6)
Soon the time comes to leave Eve’s house. She realizes the likelihood that she will never see the place again, nor even civilization as she knows it. It will be back to rock, hill and cave dwelling if she even manages to remain alive, and the alternative while on earth is even worse!  Unless, of course,  she makes it into the millennium, when things will again be perfected. It’s not that she is completely afraid of being “dead” because of the promises about what happens to Christians afterwards. It’s more the process of dying, especially at the hands of the rapists and beheaders. The proof of who belongs to the 144,000 has been easy now, because they are the only ones who didn’t suffer during the horrible five months, so Eve’s group knows they dwell amongst her ranks. That, too, is providing a great deal of supernatural protection, and she is aware of that. These members of the 144,000 are being called out to other place now, in order to do God’s bidding, and besides that, the people now residing in her house are due back soon. Staying too long there is dangerous anyway. They all know the main purpose the members of the 144,000 have been there, besides the nuptials, has been to strengthen the faith and knowledge of the group, and Eve is thankful that God places that kind of importance on her and her needs. They aren’t finished living around the Jewish evangelists, either.
Not very many people can say that. Eve knows she is far better off than the majority of women, both Jew and Gentile. Still, it’s difficult. They have been ministered to well, while there is a famine for the word of God everywhere. There is genuine love and care here, and most of all, she has married her wonderful Adam. But there is a sense of apprehension in the air, an uneasy feeling about staying any longer. The  married couple in their 50’s who are probably Gentile decide to go with Adam and Eve. The four of them are mutually attracted to each other, esp. Eve and the woman, who represents a mother figure to her. They need each other. They decide to venture back to familiar territory for Eve and Adam, the way they came in the car. They must try to leave in the night. It is so nice for them to be able to go back as husband and wife. It is still around two and one/half years before Jesus comes back and Eve knows that horrible 2nd Woe, the dreaded 6th trumpet judgment, is looming over their heads. It could happen at any time, from now to a couple of years from now. But the awareness is always there. It will kill one third of the world’s people. Besides that, the Antichrist is in full control. Christians are in the full throes of being beheaded everywhere. No one is able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, the two witnesses are still turning water into blood and creating other plagues for the unbelieving world. Etc……etc……Eve doesn’t know what the future holds. At least it will involve either her bridegroom in heaven, Jesus, or if she remains in her terrestrial body until His return, her bridegroom on earth, Adam.  Unless, perish the thought, something happens to him. That is her biggest fear. Eve knows she would rather die herself than to be alone on earth without Adam in these perilous times. So, except for the dreaded last possibility, all is well either way. Nighttime has fallen, so one of the group manages to drive the four of them back to the car, in fact, uses Eve’s “other” car, the one she had left behind at the house some time back, to take them. As they are going back to Eve’s car in the night, packed like sardines, the older couple are coming up with some ideas. The woman, who is a “real” baby boomer, meaning first born, between 1945-1947, suggests that everyone rename themselves. Then that they all learn to use the “new” names when addressing each other. She also suggests, after learning of Adam and Eve’s escapades from a few weeks earlier, that they attempt to break into the cabin, danger and all, and take some supplies, U.N. uniforms, etc. “I know stealing sounds terrible”, she expounds, “but we may need them in the future. I’m not adverse taking food and supplies from the agents who kill Christians and pay for them with tax money. After all, our tax dollars from all of these years are financing them, and I’ll consider anything we can get my Social Security Trust Fund!”  She goes on to explain to the member of the group that is driving them to Eve’s other car, that, since the remaining ones can’t stay at the house anymore, that everyone will need to know the location of their destination, so they can all hook up again. Logical, Eve thinks; it’s a good thing we have this kind of planning going on. The “boomer” woman, who has decided to call herself “Millie” and her husband “Willie”, tells the driver to continue to follow them to the U.N. occupied cabin, and if we can carry it off, they can load as much as possible into the two cars, then they can continue to follow each other to the spot where they will ultimately congregate. After that, “you can go back and collect the others at the house”. Wow, Eve thinks, you’re even pushier than I am, but Eve also knows it all makes the best sense of all ideas. Adam and Eve have decided they will not give up their names, however, because Adam and Eve is already too good! “Besides”, she proclaims proudly, “I already have a new last name”!  It feels so great to be able to stress that point.
They reach the cabin. No one there, again. Their two cars pulling, in, they go in and actually get to take U.N. uniforms, weapons, lots of food and water, and all kinds of things. The two neighboring cabins have also been take over by U.N. Security Forces or “Peacekeepers” and no one is in them, either. So they have free reign to help themselves until both cars are bulging and there is no more room. The night maneuvers must be taking them into town, martial law and all, but they are still moving as quickly and silently as possible. They are nervous. Also, as saints, they don’t like stealing. They know that their houses and property rights have been stolen from them, and that it’s only by God’s grace that they have access to the things they are taking, but it is important to them to do God’s will, survival or not. The moral issue is uncomfortable, but they do it. Although fearing the return of the U.N. agents, they appear to be home free. Eve, “Millie”, and “Jacob” (he decides to call himself Biblical Israel) all take one car, and “Willie” goes with Adam in the other. This way, Eve and Adam have a good idea where to steer them, in case the get separated. They arrive at the old spot, and the chore of unloading begins. What is truly amazing is that the original original jugs of water, etc., have been undisturbed those weeks left sitting in Eve’s car. Apparently no one had even poked around her car. Thank you, Lord Jesus! They had been constantly praying anyway, mostly allowing “Jacob” to take over in that domain. It has become obvious that he and the other young Jewish evangelists are Holy Spirit filled, that seal is really worth a lot! It now takes several trips by all of them, back and forth from the cars. Dawn is breaking, but they all know the others back at the house must be collected, and they can’t wait around. Eve decides to make the ultimate “sacrifice”, because it should be her car taken back to town. Willie, after discussing it with Millie, decides to accompany Jacob.  The scorching heat is already beginning, and after the two men leave, Millie, Adam and Eve decide their best recourse is to try to get some sleep, and to hide and remain quiet.
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS                (Part TWO)                 (Page 7      or        Page 18)
Written by Cynthia Diane
Once they are settled, begin noticing evidence that others had been there since Eve and Adam had recently left. After investigating the clues that the Beast agents have indeed been there, they find the pathways between cars and caves, dens and hiding places. It also becomes evident to their “detective” eyes that people were captured. Adam and Eve do know that others had been hiding all around them, and now all is quiet. They say a prayer of thanksgiving that they have been exempted from the apparent raid, while praying for all that were hauled away.  These are surely more saints who will be martyred for their faith, or else take the mark.  Cars that had been parked and left in the area are either gone or completely trashed. They know that even their vehicles and their footsteps back and forth can give away their location. But there are major problems with attempting to move, even after the others will join them. The biggest problem is that they now have all of their supplies unloaded into the location and the other problem is that there really is no better hiding place. Meanwhile, Willie and Jacob have dressed themselves in U.N. uniforms and armed themselves with a U.N. rifle. They know they will have to come up with solutions, “brainstorming” with the others once they get there.  As they had departed, Eve had said, “we’ll either see you or we won’t”, knowing the danger they face.  Millie had reminded her that it’s HER husband she’s talking about, and Eve knew the insensitivity of her remark.  For Millie to give up her husband now would be devastating to her, too. After all, Willie and Millie voluntarily allowed him to go, and they didn’t have to.  So now it’s the three of them, in their mundane existence. Except that this time Eve and Adam are married, and they actually have lots of supplies.  Millie tactfully makes herself disappear for periods of time, to pray, read her Bible and to allow privacy for the newly married couple. Eve appreciates this, becaues of the danger involved. Millie announces that she has found living quarters for herself and Willie, “hovel, sweet hovel”, she calls it.  The rest of the group hasn’t arrived yet, and they are all silently consumed with that fact. Then it really becomes worrisome after six days pass. Millie has carried supplies to her new quarters, mainly to keep optimistic and occupied, but still sleeps with Adam and Eve, even though they are newlyweds, because no one wants her over there alone yet.  They are trying to keep their attitudes positive, mostly for Millie’s sake. Then finally, on the sixth night, there are signs of life. Willie, Jacob, and some of the others arrive on foot with no supplies, making their way “home”. And they have a story to tell. Before launching into it, they want to inform Eve of something of personal interest to her. It seems that her mother and stepfather had lost everything they owned, except for their car, and had opted to make their way to Eve’s house, which had belonged to Eve’s dad and stepmother.  So they were the ones who had been living there, and were away. And yes, they have taken the mark.  Eve is deeply saddened by that, but at least now she knows.  Originally, counting Adam and Eve, there had been fourteen in the group.  As the new arrivals launch into their story, they relay something like this; As Willie and Jacob had made their way out, their agreement had been to retrieve the group and with the two cars they would again have, attempt to secure more supplies from U.N. cabins. They knew that the agents would be dealing with their original successful looting, so it might not be possible. They would send only one or two out into the dark, as scouts, first, which meant waiting until nightfall to leave. That would have given them the daytime to catch up on sleep. In fact, Millie had already discussed with her husband about waiting that long. The initial part of the plan had gone smoothly. It seems they had decided it was too great a risk to drive into town, although they wore the U.N. uniforms. No self-respecting U.N. agent would be driving Eve’s old car. So the scary part came; they decided to hitchhike. They parked in “their” spot, the one they already knew, and walked to the spot where they got a ride with “civilians” who had permission to be out. These people were happy to “help” them, thinking they were U.N. agents. There was no way they could have actually gotten a ride with real agents, because that would have been far too dangerous.  Once they arrived back at the house, they know that sporting these U.N. uniforms would scare the “bejeebies” out of the rest of the group in hiding. When they quietly unlocked the back door and grabbed shirts left hanging there to quickly put them on, it was around 5:30 a.m. They called out “it’s us”. When they got further into the house, they sensed some evidence something had changed. They knew the people living there were not due back yet. The living room hideabed obviously had someone in it, so Jacob, although a member of the 144,000, aimed his U.N. rifle, and said, “who’s there?”. “It’s me, don’t shoot”, said a familiar voice.
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS       (PART TWO)                  (Page 8         or            Page 19)
Written by Cynthia Diane
The night after the five of them had left the house, normal procedures had carried on. The only time any of them ever left the house lately had been at night; partly because of the scorching heat. There were nine left inside the house, two of them who immediately reclaimed Eve’s master bedroom. They had relinquished it when Eve and Adam got married. Four of the non-Jews had decided it was time to flee, so had been supplied with as much food as possible.  That had left five, all Jews. Three of them were other young men besides Jacob who were all members of the 144,000, and the other a Jewish married couple, the ones reclaiming the master bedroom.  Then comes a really intriguing part of the story that Millie, Adam and Eve are hearing.  The U.N. agents had burst into the house and the three sealed ones instinctively surrounded the couple. A real miracle occurred. They apparently couldn’t see the group of five standing there! The beast agents proceeded to ransack the place, taking all Bibles and prophecy papers, etc. Fortunately, Eve had hers, including her battery operated Bible, and the three young men had their pocket Bibles on their persons, along with the papers that just happened to be lying on the floor with the couple inside their invisible circle! It’s only by the grace of God that they are going to have anything left to work with. Adam, Jacob, Willie and Millie and the cars had been loaded with quite a bit of scriptural writings and Bibles, too. Apparently there aren’t  many left now, except in Petra, where Christian tourists and visitors from pre-Rapture days had deposited them into the rocks and crevices along the entryway.  Most of the escapees into Petra had taken nothing but their vehicles, left parked outside, and the clothes on their backs. Amazingly, they had seeds and plants, because God is making sure those in hiding at Petra have abundant amounts of food and water. There have even been reports of hungry people in pockets of the remnant and 144,000 supernaturally not having to eat or drink! So far, this has not been the case with Eve or anyone she’s met. There is a similar famine worldwide for the word of God, except in rare instances where those without the mark of the beast are hiding, and of course in Petra.  It does seem, however, that every member of the Jewish 144,000 with the wonderful seal also has access to at least a Bible and at most some extra written material. They can’t carry much around, anyway. All of their evangelizing now is in showing others the written word, because there is no longer any to give away.
The U.N. agents are seeing to it that no one else has anything like that, and others are helping them burn Bibles, etc.  Seeing anything Christian online or anywhere else has long since been a thing of the past. Even before the Rapture, places like Dr. Pepper were taking “Under God” out of the pledge of allegiance on their soda pop cans; the people who had flags at their desks after September 11, 2001 were told to remove them, etc. And that had only included the “Christian” places like America, the now full-fledged whore of Babylon.  So, while the agents were ransacking the house, of course they were talking. This had been how they found out Eve’s mother and stepfather were the house’s occupants. Listening to their conversation, the group of  five found out the story of how they had happened to arrive and that they were apparently assigned the trip away on U.N. business. It seems that someone had informed Eve’s mother and stepfather of suspicions that someone was inside their house. They, in turn, contacted the U.N. to report the “possible intrusion”, and the agents had decided it was time to investigate for Bible removal and “suspicious” items, anyway. They were given permission to remove everything except what would belong to the people living there or hinder their survival. After all, the beast agents have to act “decent”! They were mostly looking for people, and did find lots of evidence that people were recently there, but they never addressed the actual group! One of them was only inches from bumping into the circle, but they finally left! Maybe there had been a circle of angels around them, no one actually knows what God did to intervene. But everyone is awestuck by the incident, and it will be used in witnessing from this day forward.  This had all happened during the same night that Eve and the other four had exited the house, but before they had gotten sleepy or any had gone to bed, because of the strange hours they now kept.  They all agreed it was time to go, and were anxious about the return of Jacob. Before that, it had been agreed upon by all that he would be back for them. They didn’t know quite what to do if he hadn’t shown up soon. They knew from what had happened that the agents were “on” to their presence in the house, and would be watching it from now on. So when Willie and Jacob had arrived, it was another scary moment, until they knew just exactly who had just entered the house.  In fact, Jacob wasn’t the only one with a weapon pointed at him! That was why it hadn’t felt quite right!  The young Jewish married couple were hidden in the bedroom, for fear for their safety. It wasn’t that any of the 144,000 were actually protecting their own lives as much as taking care of the lives of the others!
Jacob had felt the same loyalty for the lives of Willie and his wife who needed him. After the excited relaying of their tale to Willie and Jacob, and after serious prayer for the safety of the portion of the group who had departed, they all rejoiced over the night’s incidents, including those of Jacob’s and Willie’s segment, and the securing of all of the supplies from the cabin. There was a little hesitation about it, because of it having involved taking them from the cabin. Yet, when Jacob and Willie told of their plans to try to secure even more, everyone was silent. By the way, the five remaining ones were told, “Millie” says you are all going to change your names! They had been amazingly receptive, because the Holy Spirit in the 144,000 was able to confirm when things like that are correct.  As much of the time as possible, while telling one another these stories, they were all scurrying around preparing to leave immediately.  Now came the part where they had to load the car, but it was getting too light outside, and too hot. So, as anxious as they all were to depart the premises, the waiting had to begin again, and attempting to sleep was their best recourse.  Their plan of action, as soon as another night would befall them, was to figure out how to best utilize the two U.N. uniforms and the U.N. rifle. Meanwhile they all decided on their new names. The other three from the 144,000 opted for “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego”, although knowing these were not the original names of the three men in the Bible, either.  The young Jewish woman was already “Martha”, so, like Adam and Eve, opted to keep her own name. But her husband became “Lazarus”.  Now began the waiting game, and the final escape from the house. They were all hoping the others who had struck out on their own would return and go with them, but knew that was in God’s hands. It didn’t happen.  It was going to be a challenge anyway, getting seven people and their belongings into one car, and making it to Eve’s hidden car. Fortunately, they had all allowed most of their possessions to be moved already, and unloaded into the place where Millie, Adam and Eve are waiting. And the U.N. agents had taken almost everything else, anyway. They were enjoying trying to remember to address each other by their new names, and even remembering their own!
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS- The Rest of the Story!
EVE OF THE LAST DAYS            (part two)                   (page 9         or         page 20)
Written by Cynthia Diane
So, for members of the 144,000, renamed are Jacob, Shadrach, Mesach and Adbednego.  The young Jewish couple are Martha, already her real name, and her husband Lazarus. The other two couples are renamed to Willie and Millie, and Adam and Eve, already their names.  Millie, Adam and Eve are being told the story about how the others finally found their way out. The uniforms fit Jacob and Meshach pretty well, so Shadrach, Abednego, Willie, Lazarus and Martha were going to become their “pretend” hostages. No one really liked the deception, but it had seemed to be their only survival recourse. They even went so far as to walk out of the house in “arrest” fashion, with hands up. It had been a sad reminder of exactly how many people have been forced out of their homes the same way.  Some in their own neighborhood had even been forced out into the open field across the street and placed on open display. In the hot sun, many had been taunted and forced to strip naked, especially the women. It is not uncommon to see open rapes of Christian women.  Many of the hostages were forced to parade around for public ridicule in that field. Sometimes men had been tortured or even killed, and forced to watch the rapes. Being used for sport like this, and knowing that the house was being watched, they had to take as few chances as possible. Again, the young men who are members of the 144,000 haven’t been too afraid for their own lives, because the scriptural indication is another Rapture for all of them, alive, in the fourteenth chapter of Revelation.  Before the Rapture, in fact, some time before there had been a couple of incidents on the same day, that had proven police were already following corrupt orders willingly. One had occurred in New York City’s Central Park, immediately after the “Puerto Rican Pride” parade. Many of these young men had decided it would be fun to strip and sexually attack white women, while videotaping. Several white women had been publicly violated, and their boyfriends beaten up, and the police looked the other way, under orders. When the television program “Law and Order” did a segment about it, they had been ordered never to air it again.  The same day, a young white man was doing sign language for a deaf relative, and was shot dead by a policeman, because “it looked like he was doing gun motions”! This was suppressed by the news media. Much later, after the government was paving the way for complete U.N. takeover by using 9-11 as an excuse, they took over airports. One of the results had immediately been that women passengers were molested, in the name of “security”. Along with this, cameras were placed in airports and other strategic locations that had given excuses to see women “up close and personal”! In fact, many could see right through clothing! (X-rated X-rays!)  And this was simply setting the stage for the after Rapture events and attitudes.  This made the whole group especially protective of Martha, during the exit process.  Before the Rapture, where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. But all of that had looked like a Sunday School picnic by comparison to the days of God’s wrath. Those with the mark now clap and cheer at such displays directed at the saints without the mark, even when they include rape, torture, humiliation and murder.  Other than the upcoming party when the two prophets in Jerusalem will be killed, this mistreatment of God’s new saints is the other cause for clapping and cheering! So the United Nations agents enjoy creating these public spectacles, even apart from the “real” entertainment at the beheading centers.  It is now reaching the point where there are fewer actual captures, because the biggest majority, especially in actual houses, have already been rounded up. This makes it even more dangerous for Willie and the Jewish couple. The idea of actually getting their hands on any member of the 144,000 would be cause for major headlines! This is one of the reasons that changing their names had been in order; the less actual information the Antichrist’s followers can access, the better.  It is unusual, however, to load Christians who are without the mark of the beast into civilian cars.  They are generally herded into U.N. carriers.  But they all piled into the one car, and took off. When they arrived at the spot where Eve’s car was hidden, they discovered it had been discovered and “trashed”.  And then, as they continued a few miles further toward their destination, they encountered another disaster.  Their car ran out of gas! The idea of going to U.N. cabins and trying to retrieve any supplies had already become irrelevant, but now they had another problem. It was impossible to reach the rest of the group on foot from this location, so they had no choice but to make their way to the highway. They assumed the “arrest” position, and people were willing to accommodate. They had split into two groups, with one “U.N. agent” per group.  Jacob was in one group and Willie in the other, and they agreed upon a spot where they would be dropped off along the roadside in the forest.  This would force them all to hike several miles on foot into the forest to rejoin the others, but they decided this was the best way.  They all had prayed fervently, and the mission had been successful. They did not dare to allow anyone to take them to a location any closer to their living quarters for probably the rest of their natural lives on earth, at least until Jesus’ second coming! The bad part is that it was going to take several days to make their way into the forest to their destination, on foot. Since there had been no water to drink along the way, the first thing they had wanted when they finally reached Millie, Adam and Eve was water! Even then, everyone had to eat and drink sparingly. Willie is delighted to rejoin Millie, and to see their newly claimed patch of space. The four young evangelists know that God has them there for a special reason, beyond ministering to the needs of the other six, and figure others will be arriving, too.  Each of them carries a small Bible, and is ready and willing to spread the gospel. God the Holy Spirit is directing them, and the others are so jealous of their indwelling or seal. They know that they could have shared in this blessing before the Rapture, and can only guess at how it must feel to have God living inside permanently.  They do get to share in sensing the wonderful presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit living inside of the young Jewish evangelists, however, and know that this is a rarity. They know that Petra, over there in Jordan, is the biggest haven for anything similar to their own situation. The sanctuary given over there is safer, but this is where God has Eve’s group, and Eve herself realizes that almost no one else in her group is a non-Jew. In fact, she isn’t even sure if anyone who isn’t a Jew without the mark is going to survive at all. She and the others aren’t sure what the food and water situation is going to be, but are thankful for stories of God’s supernatural intervention on behalf of themselves and others.  They pray for continuance of God’s love and care for themselves, when needed. Now it’s time to wait for whatever comes next. THE END…..is near!