You enter the dark sands of the Abandoned Sands, and nearly falls to your knees in pain and furry. Nearly a dozen different dragons send you thoughts of lonliness, of pain, death, fear. You look around but see nothing. Then, from the farthest end of the sands, the WeyrWoman walks out of a room and closer to you. "Hello traveller, this is the lost sands. It's terribly sad to think someone would abandone thier own bondmate, their lifelong friend, but nearly a third of all dragonriders who impressed at Sapphire Weyr have. Please, adopt one of the lonly dragons and give it another chance at life before it's too late." she says, and hands you a slightly tattered hide.

The rules for impressing an abandoned dragon are basically the same as impressing a normal dragon. Just make sure you have a weyr with a kind, loving persona and nice environment for the poor dragon.

Tell me if you want a hatchling, weyrling or an adult dragon. Also, I'll have you pick two numbers between 1 and 10, the first being the one you want and the second one just in case. Tell me if it's ok with you if you impress a dragon of the opposite sex also. Once I get the info and the number you picked, I'll send you your dragon and past stages if you want to use them.

Just e-mail me this info to :

Your name
E-mail Adress
Weyr where the dragon will live
Do you want an adult, weyrling, or hatchling?
Pick two numbers between 1 and 10
Do you mind if you impress a draon of the opposite sex?

Thank you!

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