OOOPS! LFO Slip Ups!

Here's where you'll find some funny LFO moments and stories...and LFO related things that just crack us up!

1. From Teen People's Summer 2001 Music Special: "When I was 17, my friend and I found this really corny-looking Speedo swimsuit in his father's dresser. I put it on and put a pair of shorts over it and we went down to the waterfront. He was like, "I dare you to take off all of your clothes except for that little Speedo and get out of the car." So I said, "FINE!" I tried to jump back in the car, but he took off and left me. It was summer and the place was crowded. The Speedo went up my butt crack. People were bugging out." ~~~Rich Cronin (LFO) BTW, What exactly were Rich and his friend looking for in his dad's dresser?? We're having visions of searching for Playboy here!

2. Random Observation: Check out this recent photo of Brad that appeared in the August 2001 issue of BOP! Notice, kids, that Brad is on the set of the EOT close attention to the top speech bubble and read how Brad would not wear this shirt in real life....

NOW , look at this picture below of Cristin when she met Brad the day the album came out....What shirt is he wearing? Did he not say "I probably wouldn't want to wear this shirt in real life"? We've seen numerous pictures of him in this shirt from many different occasions...Either Brad's grown to love this shirt OR he's been scraping the bottom of the clean laundry pile....

3. LFO is Everywhere: Cristin teaches first grade and orders those weekly reader type magazines for her class. Let's say how shocked she was when her subsription comes in February and she saw this:

Apparently the editors decided to shorten the magazine's name from "Let's Find Out" to LFO...LOL! She did a double take...and it just looks really funny to see the relation of LFO and the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children" position statement. Cristin's definitely an "LFO Teacher" and makes sure to teach her children all about LFO...even if they call 'em "Rick, Fred, and Kevin" and try to use "I LOOOOVEEEEE LFO!" as an excuse to get out of time out!

4. Brad's in 3 Doors Down?: (Thanks to Kelly at Devoted to Brad for this item!) "After a year on the road, veteran FOH engineer Sandy Morgan appreciates the Sennheiser e 865's characteristically warm sound, which he says matches 3 Doors Down lead vocalist, Brad Fischetti perfectly." (from Ummm..since when did Brad jump the LFO ship??

5. Mike's from Providence?: (Again, thanks to Kelly!) "Mr. Pearlman became interested in Devin after hearing a demo tape that the singer's co-manager, Mike Caputo of Providence, had given to a friend who works at Trans Continental." Since when has Mike been from anywhere except South Boston? Did he live in Providence at one time? We're merely curious!

6. Mooooo-ving on up!: (Thanks to Kelly, yet again!) Brad's on a cow! Yes, you read that correctly. NJ native (YAY! GO NJ!) Brad had his mug shot painted on one of those art cows that were displayed in Chicago and NYC! Here's the article: "Jersey Cow by Jenny Steinman, Location: 459 Pleasant Valley Way, W. Orange, NJ: On the flip side, on the upper half, a caricature of New Jersey landmarks and buildings are portrayed. Below, 31 famous New Jersey stars run from head to tail. These New Jersey natives are (from the head): #14. Brad Fischetti (from the band LFO) And culminating at the famous NJ icon, the Statue of Liberty, on the tail. How flattering they acknowledge Brad as a famous New Jersian...but on the other hand, he got painted on a cow?? But LFO got some love which is MOOOO-velous!
You can see Brad on the bottom right..he's kindof cut off! (pic coming soon casue yahoo is being a toilet tonight!)

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