Type Statistics

General MB Population

According to a 1964 American study conducted by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates, the population is...

Extraversion 75%, Introversion 25%
Sensing 75%, iNtuition 25%
Thinking 50%, Feeling 50%
Judging 50%, Perceiving 50%

It should also be noted that for men, about 60% had a Thinking preference, while 60% of women had a Feeling preference.

Specific MB Population

SJ Guardians - 38%
SP Artisans - 36%
NF Idealists - 12%
NT Rationals - 12%

ESTJ - 13%
ESFJ - 13%
ESTP - 13%
ESFP - 13%
ISTJ - 6%
ISFJ - 6%
ISTP - 5%
ISFP - 5%
ENTJ - 5%
ENFJ - 5%
ENTP - 5%
ENFP - 5%
INTJ - 1%
INFJ - 1%
INTP - 1%
INFP - 1%

Keirsey Sorter Results - here

It should be noted that most people interested in personality type tend to be NFs, while the least common are SPs. Thus, this is pretty much a survey of people who are interested in type, hence the discrepency between the general population statistics. Also, I have rounded out the decimals into whole numbers.

Total Tests Taken = 4,586,300

SJ Guardian - 43%
NF Idealist - 30%
NT Rational - 14%
SP Artisan - 12%

ESFJ - 12%
ESTJ - 10%
ISTJ - 10%
ISFJ - 10%
ENFP - 8%
ENFJ - 8%
INFJ - 8%
INFP - 7%
INTJ - 6%
ESFP - 5%
ENTJ - 3%
INTP - 3%
ISFP - 3%
ESTP - 3%
ISTP - 2%

Test Results from PersonalityPage.com - here

This site is not as popular as Keirsey's and also you have to pay for the test, so this is probably more accurate of those interested in personality type. Note that INFPs who make up 1% of the general population make up 13% of the people here. (We're just fascinated by this stuff, really.)

SJ Guardian - 36%
NF Idealist - 33%
SP Artisan - 18%
NT Rational - 13%

INFP - 13%
ISFJ - 12%
ENFP - 11%
ISTJ - 9%
ESFJ - 8%
ESTJ - 7%
ISFP - 6%
INFJ - 6%
ESFP - 5%
INTP - 4%
ENFJ - 4%
INTJ - 3.5%
ISTP - 3.5%
ENTP - 3%
ESTP - 3%
ENTJ - 2%

Education Level (1 did not graduate, to 6 PhD or equivalent)
ENTJ - 4.12
INTJ - 3.93
ESTJ - 3.83
ISTJ - 3.78
ESTP - 3.73
INFJ - 3.72
ENFP - 3.69
INTP - 3.69
INFP - 3.67
ESFP - 3.63
ENFJ - 3.60
ESFJ - 3.62
ISTP - 3.59
ISFJ - 3.58
ENTP - 3.54
ISFP - 3.52

Household Income
ENTJ - $84,434
ESTJ - $76,238
ESFJ - $74,882
INTJ - $72,043
ENFJ - $71,060
ISTJ - $71,020
ESTP - $69,323
ISTP - $67,349
ENFP - $66,210
INTP - $64,872
INFJ - $64,372
ISFP - $64,166
ISFJ - $63,870
ESFP - $63,281
ENTP - $62,960
INFP - $61,565

ESFJ - 53%
ISTJ - 51%
ENTJ - 51%
ESTJ - 50%
ISFJ - 48%
INTJ - 44%
ISTP - 43%
ENFJ - 40%
ISFP - 38%
INFJ - 37%
ENTP - 37%
ENFP - 36%
INTP - 35%
ESFP - 34%
ESTP - 31%
INFP - 30%

Enneagram Personality Dynamics Test Results - here

12,168 test scores from 6/10/97 to 2/20/98. Results have been rounded to the nearest whole number.

Males Females
Type 9 - 746 Type 9 - 2294
Type 4 - 678 Type 4 - 1806
Type 5 - 615 Type 2 - 1773
Type 7 - 468 Type 7 - 1461
Type 1 - 424 Type 5 - 1175
Type 2 - 413 Type 6 - 1102
Type 8 - 356 Type 1 - 1024
Type 6 - 308 Type 8 - 853
Type 3 - 298 Type 3 - 682

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