Info on the Page Creator w/family pics
Name: Lilith
Age: 27
January 17, 1980
My Twin Brother Jared
Lily at 3 yrs old when I was my Daddy's star
In memory of my father Walter Micheal Haywod Sr. May his soul have
found the peace in death that he so longed for in life. July 19, 2004
he left this world...and me...alone...
And here is me!  (just to say I am a big girl not some skinny chick ok!) And a new pic of me.
I miss you Daddy...more than you could ever know
Me at Rider University on a nice day
Me before going to a show
College/University: Rider University located in Lawerenceville, NJ. Major: Fine Art w/ art concentration then MFA in art education to teach college level.
Favorite Music: Literally almost everything but heavy gangster rap. Most hip hop I can stand. But I am a rocker at heart!
Favorite Comics: I love Witchblade (if you couldn't tell) the Magdelena, Fathom, Darkness, and anything made by TOPCOW! And IMAGE.
I love writing stories and poems and all that kind of stuff. I am a natural artist & have been drawing since I could use a crayon. I love to sculpt too. I love astrology and vampire lore. Being able to live forever sounds pretty damn good to me. I am a pretty open minded person and people say I have a hell of a sense of humor. I am quick with a one liner and with a shoulder to cry on. I love cats and animals in general. I absoultly hate being lied to! I am also beginning to learn more of Wicca and the Old Ways and I tend to lend more towards them. Over all I think I am a good person...well I like to think so.
I just finished school in December with my BA in Fine Arts. I now work at an imaging company doing some computer data entry stuff. I live in PA now and like it alot. I go to Jersey alot still though. I am single now after being with someone for over two horribly long years of torture. No more bad men!! Well my father commited suicide in '04 so that has been a blow. I miss him more than he will ever know. I got a chance to add some of my new art work which is watercolor and a lineolum tile print. Hope you guys like them. I worked hard. To all those who don't have it going well I wish you luck and love. I am drawing more realistic things and using charoal and pencil more as well as watercolor now. Enjoy and email me and tell me if you like them. Laters..
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I do commissions so if there is a picture you would like me to re-create or make something just for you let me know in my email. The prices range on what the picture is. So email me or...
My email is
(no kittens where hurt in the making of this web site)
Old comic book drawings from '99
      CUT OUT
  (for printmaking)