Day 1865 - Day 1995
Day 1865  (1week/7 days later)
Attacked by mutants.

Battle Records: 
Nadon = 10 kills.  Lillay = 10 kills.  Ilmarian = 7 kills.  Nivak = 12 kills.  Jezeg = 15 kills.  Growlyn = 4 kills (including the leader).  Arvin = 4 kills. 

Day 1871 
(6 days later)
We encountered a bog octopus today.  We ran and we ran fast!  Certainly not something we wanted to mess with! 

Day 1876 
(5 days later)
Oh, thank Myrmydia!  We are finally out of The Wastelands!  I can’t say that I will miss the swamps…

Day 1884 
(1 week later)
We’ve reached that town that had the wolf problem from before.  We figure it’s a good spot to settle in for a bit. 

Day 1932
(6 weeks later)
Nivak and Jezeg have trained.  Ilmarian (oh, excuse me, “Felix”) has performed his singing and dance routine at night.  The rest of us have recuperated.  It’s time to go again. 

Day 1938
(6 days later)
We’ve joined up with a caravan headed for Altdorf. 

Day 1948
(1 week/2 days later)
The caravan leader has asked us to leave.  Apparently, two of his men were killed last night and a note was left with their bodies telling him to get rid of us or else more of his men would die.  Well, looks like we’re stuck traveling on our own again. 

Day 1951 
(3 days later)
Attacked by bandits. 

Battle Records: 
Caradryan = 10 kills.  Nadon = 3 kills.  Lillay = 3 kills.  Ilmarian/Felix = 3 kills.  Nivak = 4 kills (including the leader).  Jezeg = 7 kills.  Growlyn = 3 kills.  Arvin = 6 kills.

Day 1961 (1 week/2 days later)
Have arrived back in Altdorf today.  Professor Valgner is most pleased to get his book and in turn gives us the potions he promised as payment.  He is not a wealthy man or an influential man and cannot offer much in the way of lodgings other than the use of his courtyard.  Eh, we’ve camped out before and these are much more pleasant surroundings than most.  We find Paul very much alive and conscious.  He’s even made a few friends in the time we’ve been gone and he wishes to induct them into the party.  We meet Vincent, a human merc, Esch, a human soldier, and Axtrica, a dwarf squire.  We’ve been in the market for more warrior-types for a while now, so it’s as good a time as any to take them on. 
Records:  Nivak = Highest XP at 1080 points. 

Day 1975 (1 week/6 days later)?
Records:  Today marks our 5th anniversary as an adventuring party.

Day 1993  (2 weeks/2 days later)
Well, we’ve been in Altdorf for about a month now – all caught up on training and selling off our loot and such.  Interesting tidbits:  Growlyn has advanced to Merc Captain and Nivak has advanced to Scout.  The Professor has another mission for us:  Retrieve an artifact called the Idol of Ildrana from an undisclosed location in Kislev.  The payment is in goods once again – a magical toughness amulet.  After much discussion, we conclude that we’re up for the mission.  The artifact is Valgner’s life dream – he wishes to obtain and study it for it supposedly has the power to turn the fortunes of a depressed town good.  I do believe this is our first “For The Greater Good” mission.  Not everyone is entirely pleased to be taking this on as we’ve heard Kislev isn’t the most peaceful of lands.  Valgner isn’t able to give us an exact location of the artifact (do we ever get an exact location?), but he’s able to provide several clues to aid in the search: 
· North of the river Lynsk
· Where the sea meets the wall
· The mouth that swallows the sea is where the treasure be
· The mouth that only feeds but twice a day
· The mailed fist of rule
Also a parchment written in old Gospar that he hasn’t yet been able to fully decipher yet – our guess is it reads:
“The hidden secrets are in the fourth room facing north.  In here the eighth block over and the sixth block up.  Say, ‘actor’ and you shall have it.”

Not exactly a treasure map where X marks the spot, but it’ll do.

Day 1995  (2 days later)
We’ve booked passage on a boat to Kislev and are on our way.
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