Day 2064 - Day 2135
Day 2064 (5 days later)
We ran into some mutants today – I got to sit it out with Vincent and Esch in the “Meat Wagon”. 

Battle Records:
Caradryan = 2 kills.  Nadon = 11 kills, High Damage Kill at 19 points.  Nivak = 3 kills.  Jezeg = 7 kills.

Day 2066 
(2 days later)
We’ve arrived back in Erengrad and get rooms at one of the inns.  It’s time for some rest and relaxation. 

Day 2107
(5 weeks/1 day later)
That morning:  Growlyn and Nivak went out last night looking for some hirelings of the mercenary flavor.  They found some and more it seems!  Growlyn returned late last night without Nivak.  He says they found a small adventuring party of kislevites that are reasonably priced and looking for some out-of-town work.  He says Nivak made an acquaintance of the lady of the group, Natasha, and the last he saw of the two of them was her dragging Nivak upstairs.  Hmm…sounds like Nivak’s become a “man”.  According to Growlyn, the newcomers aren’t a bad-looking bunch.  Natasha’s a marine, Vladimir’s a soldier, Berishki’s an archer, and Rustov’s a merc.  Later:  Caradryan and Jezeg go to the Verena temple to find the translation for “actor” in Old Gospar – just a hunch, but we’ll likely need it later on.  And, Nivak finally returns from his romp with his new friend.  He looks a bit tired. 

Notable Quotes:
Nivak:  “It comes in handy – it protects my bits and pieces.”  Dave:  “At this rate you’re gonna’ be on your own spelunking adventure tonight!”

Day 2114
(7 days later)
Nivak’s been wining and dining Natasha all week – we’ve hardly seen him!  From the looks of it, I don’t know that he’s got much choice in the matter.  Natasha looks like she could break him in two if she really wanted.  I don’t think he’s complaining, though – there’s been an extra “bounce” in his step these past few days.  We’re headed out again.  Vincent and I are fully recuperated and Esch has another four weeks or so, but we’ll spend most of that traveling. 

Day 2120 
(6 days later)

Battle Records: 
Nadon = 11 kills, High Damage Kill at 23 points.  Lillay = 1 kill.  Ilmarian = 2 kills.  Nivak = 2 kills.  Jezeg = 6 kills.  Berishki = 6 kills. 

Day 2125
(5 days later)
Mutants again.

Battle Records:
Caradryan = 14 kills (including the leader).  Nadon = 6 kills, High Damage Kill at 16 points.  Lillay = 3 kills.  Ilmarian = 4 kills.  Nivak = 5 kills.  Jezeg = 14 kills.  Growlyn = 3 kills.  Arvin = 3 kills.  Axtrica = 3 kills.  Paul = 2 kills.  Amber = 1 kill.  Vincent = 1 kill.  Berishki = 5 kills.  Rustov = 1 kill. 

Day 2128 
(3 days later)
Was chased by trolls today – four of them!  From our past experiences with these vile creatures, they are certainly not to be scoffed at.  We tried out-running them in the carts, but Nivak’s superior driving skills overturned our’s and then we had no choice but to stand our ground and fight them.  Nivak was one of the first to recover from the accident and charged in on the nearest troll with a massive hit (29 points).  Growlyn was the only other one to shine in this battle – he cut through two trolls all by himself!  In the end, most of the injuries were from the accident and not from the trolls.  Vincent is the only suffering from the battle itself – he was hit by some sort of acid that spewed from one of the trolls’ stomachs and he has horrible acid burns on his legs from it.  Amber and Paul both sustained heavy injuries from the accident.  Amber has a broken arm and after Caradryan’s ministrations is looking at 10 weeks of incapacitation.  Paul landed on his head (again!) and has a concussion.  Caradryan says he’ll be useless for the next 6-8 weeks. 

Battle Records:
Growlyn = 2 kills.  Jezeg = 1 kill.  Nivak = 1 kill.  Plavin = 9 point shot in Ilmarian’s back. 
Notable Quotes: 
Caradryan to Amber:  “Yeah, your casting career is over.”

Day 2132
(4 days later)
We’ve camped out for the last few days waiting for all the minor injuries to heal up.  But now it’s time to move on again. 

Day 2135 
(3 days later)
We found a promising cave today, but it didn’t turn out to have what we’re looking for. 
Battle Records:  Lillay = 1 kill (slime).  Rustov = 1 kill (slime).  Natasha = 1 kill (slime).
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