Day 628 - Day 747
Day 628  (the next day)
We camped outside town last night to get a head start on those supply lines.  We are able to set 13 wagons on fire before the goblins are upon us.  Nadon shoots off his last two fire arrows at one of the goblins and it burns to death.  A rather smelly affair, but very satisfying to watch after the hell they put us through yesterday.  We get slammed as waves of goblins and now orcs flood around us.  We put up a valiant fight, but the party is overcome shortly after Varthlokkur shatters his second weapon!  We have no choice, but to retreat towards Goldum.  Jezeg is too slow to keep up, so Varthlokkur runs back to pick him up and carry him to safety.  If the situation weren’t so serious, I would have laughed hysterically at the sight.  I mean, come on, a dwarf running back to save an elf?  And what’s even more bizarre is that he CARRIED him!  Anyways, we all make it back to Goldum in one piece…more or less.  We report back to Captain Morgansen and he offers us equipment instead of gold for our services.  We decide it’s not a bad deal especially since Varthlokkur is now without a decent weapon.  Morgansen sends us to an inn for the night – there’s still a fair amount of goblins, orcs, and ogres in and around town and besides, he needs at least a day to get our armor and weapon requests together. 

Battle Records: 
Caradryan = 2 kills.  Nadon = 12 kills.  Lillay = 7 kills, tied with Varthlokkur for the High Damage Kill at 20 points.  Ilmarian = 2 kills, only party member to return to Goldum without losing a fate point.  Nivak = 9 kills.  Jezeg = 5 kills.  Varthlokkur = 11 kills, tied with Lillay for the High Damage Kill at 20 points (x3).  Growlyn = 2 kills. 

Day 629 (the next day)
Morgansen tells us that the Head Orc has been killed and the rest of the enemy has scattered and left. 

Day 630 (the next day)
Ilmarian is down for four weeks with his ankle injury.  Since we’re going to be in Goldum a bit longer now, I’ve taken a job with their town watch.  Caradryan seeks out good old Halfor again and he offers us a job guarding his property for the next six months.  It’s a sweet deal:  1000 Gold for the party, free training (no jumps, spells, or songs, though), lodgings, and food.  But, I decline and stick with the town watch.  I’ve already signed up with them and I do so hate to break my word.  Besides, I’m getting 120 Gold per month, free training (including jumps), lodgings, and food – that’s certainly nothing to laugh at.  So, Halfor won’t let the party take his job offer unless they replace me with another warrior-type.  Varthlokkur wants to enlist another dwarf – one we ran into while reporting back to Morgansen about the supply lines.  He goes off in search of him, finds him at the Ulric temple, and talks him into joining our merry band of elves. 
Records:  Varthlokkur takes the high XP spot from Lillay.

Day 631  (the next day)
We get all our new gear from Captain Morgansen.  We’ve got another day before our new jobs start and Caradryan feels the party needs additional support.  He brings on two humans:  Klaus (a soldier) and Arvin (a low-level Merc Sergeant).  I join Varthlokkur and Growlyn at the tavern to pass the evening by. 

Day 632  (the next day) 
And so the drudgery of having a “real” job begins. 

Day 664 (1 month later)
We work and train.  The only exciting thing to report is that Caradryan has advanced to a First Level Battle Mage.  He’s terribly excited about it.

Day 696 (1 month later)
We work and train some more.  Ilmarian’s up and about now, so he’s gone back to his entertaining gig at the taverns. 

Day 728 
(1 month later)
Still working and still training.  One point of interest:  Jezeg’s lost 96 pounds!

Day 744 (2 weeks later)
Halfor introduces the party to his friend, Adam Olvair.  Adam’s daughter was kidnapped two days ago and he wants them to find her.  They come find me at the town watch because they’re expecting to be gone a few weeks at the very least and want me along for the task.  The town watch imposes a hefty fee for breaking my contract, but I feel it’s better that I accompany my family and fellow party-members rather than let them go off adventuring on their own.  Who knows what kind of trouble they would get into?  We buy our supplies and Adam takes us to the spot where his daughter was last seen.

Day 747 (3 days later)
Come across a large band of goblins – kill them all.
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