Three Feet Over Your Head
Written By Hence Stevens
Here are a couple of poems from this book
I gave of my love
I took of my other
I lived for myself
I learned from my Mother
I ache in my heart
I'm high in my head
I've slept through my life
I feel like I'm dead
I fell from my loneliness
Now I'm missing two years
When it all ended
I was blinded by tears
I lost part of my soul
I can hear the tune that emptiness hums
With desolation in my heart
It seems that tomorrow never comes


The rhythm beats my mind.
The lyrics free my soul.
The music releases my essence.
My hatred, my love,
My greed, my lust, my obsession.
Music sparks my inspiration.
My mind turns these rhythms
Into words.
Music is more,
More than can be embodied
With instruments.
Its primal basics are
Sometimes erotic,
Sometimes vengeful,
Sometimes extroverted, and
Sometimes introverted.
But is always speaks
So eloquently.
Above all else
It's honest
To the point of brutality,
That's more than can be said for some people.
And with all that now cluttering the air
I can still hear the music
That lights my soul ablaze
And drive me to define my emotions.
Music doesn't do this to some people, but...
I'm not some people.
And the band played on.
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