For the conspiracy theorists
The Limerick Savant
The Limerick Savant
Dedicated to
no-nonsense nonsense
Silencia est Dementia

He was born of the same evil mother
Who would let civil liberties smother.
This may come as a blow,
But please meet I. A. O.
Who’s about to become your Big Brother.

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He knows when you’ve been sleeping;
He knows when you’re awake.
John Poindexter
Is back in power
So watch out for freedom’s sake.

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(Not a limerick, but who cares!)
limericksavant(at symbol)
What possible parody could be better than the logo itself?

Conspiracy buffs: Click on the image for a treat
The pop idols we choose to anoint
Will inevitably disappoint.
We all knew that Jacko
Was surely a whacko.
So why get that nose out of joint?

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© 2002 The Limerick Savant
A Lawless Church?

The conclusion, in Boston, to draw
Is the public has reached the last straw.
They’ll accept no excuse
For continued abuse.
So the Church should make
that cardinal law!

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When John Geoghan was finally arraigned,
Then the Catholic Church thus explained:
“Though we gave him the flock
Where he lifted his frock,
The outcome was not pre-ordained”

But Geoghan was simply a blip
On the radar of that Fools’ ship.
It begins to appear
That the scandal to fear
Is arch bishops exposed just the tip.

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I dusted off these from the archives just for this occasion:
30 years since the ruling was made
But, this question, both sides can’t evade:
If it were your own daughter,
Caught in that deep water,
Would you want her to Roe or to Wade?

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