The Limerick Savant
The Limerick Savant
Dedicated to
no-nonsense nonsense
© 2002 The Limerick Savant
War: The Ultimate
Reality Show

Out and out
outright outrageous

The troops have reporters in
To broadcast the war, blow by blow.
Does it fill us with dread
As we’re being spoon-fed
The latest reality show?

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Weapons of Mass (Media) Destruction

What a terrible pow’r to abuse
That weapon of war called “The News.”
Would you much rather cover
Every single war-lover
Than the millions with critical views?

Reporting on anti-war groups
IS supporting American troops.
Maybe some should embed
With the peace groups instead
To balance the party line dupes.

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France and Germany want a part, still.
But the U.S. says, “We got the kill!”
What makes us so bold,
When the body’s not cold,
As to think that we’ll change Iraq’s will?

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Dubbayu’s To-Dos

1. Put an Exxon the box marked “Saddam.”
2. Shell out for the new smartest bomb.
3. Send our soldiers to toil
    For some I-raqi oil.
4. Shock and awe. (Welcome back Viet Nam!)

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Survivor: Iraq
If Iraqis seem like “Doubting Thomases,”
Ask Afghanis how we keep our promises.
Mere offered autonomy
Won’t cure their economy
And we can’t build a school with our bomb/uses.

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To Mr. Bush

While Iraq may now lay at your feet,
There’s a lesson that’s taught in the street
And comes as no myst’ry:
Those failing their hist’ry
Are undoubtedly doomed to repeat.