The Limerick Savant
Get Out the Joke
Mr. Bush, yes, your goal was a swish
And the voters have served up that dish.
As you bask in the fame,
So you will take the blame.
So be careful of that which you wish.

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Please take a moment to let the Savant know about your voting practices. I'll publish the results of this poll here in the future.
The Limerick Savant
Your name:

Your email address:

Have you voted or are planning to vote in this election?

If you answered "No," why?
It doesn't make any difference
No real choices
I'm too young
I'm too lazy
I'm registered in Iraq
The dog ate my ballot
I was busy hanging Chad
Other (explain below)

Other comments or explanations:

Will there be any future “Wellstones”
Or a swarm of political drones,
Who negate our selection
So that every election
Is another Attack of the Clones?

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To the Democrats:

Your political hopes in a coffin?
Here’s an adage, I think, that will soften
That old sting of defeat.
After me, now repeat:
“I’ll vote early, next time, and vote often!”

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Think political change is remote?
All you skeptics might want to take note:
Even Saddam Hussein
Might concede his campaign,
For the sake of just one single

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© 2002 The Limerick Savant