
When by his uses the event of snow attribute, you put that event on your own ¡°experimental body¡± card yard. When putting, when the card of your own ¡°experimental body¡± card yard are 3 or more, choosing 1 to random, it can insert in the hand bill of the owner. When inserting in the hand bill, card everything ¡°of the experimental body¡± card yard is removed from the game.

CH 717
Penalty [2 you cancel your own deck.]
When this [kiyara] appears, the partner [kiyara] 1 body does not return to not yet conduct state with [ueikuatsupu] of the following partner.

CH 718
During this turning, before doing this processing, the [kiyara] 1 body which has become conduct being completed state depending upon the effect of event special ability of the partner, is put in not yet conduct state.

CH 719
Discard 2 from your deck.
When [kiyara] moved to the time of turn end, to move to the empty field of the owner of that [kiyara] it is possible that [kiyara]. When moving, this effect is lost.

CH 720
When by his uses the event, you put that event on your own ¡°experimental body¡± card yard. When putting, when the card of your own ¡°experimental body¡± card yard are 3 or more, it is possible to remove card everything from the game. When removing, the [kiyara] 1 body is put in not yet conduct state.

CH 721
When by his uses the event, you put that event on your own ¡°experimental body¡± card yard. When putting, when the card of your own ¡°experimental body¡± card yard are 3 or more, it is possible to remove card everything from the game. When removing, the deck of the partner is cancelled 3.

CH 722
Targeting the deck when declaring the use of event special ability, the solution of the declaration fails.

CH 723
You use during our turning. You cannot use in the battle. The event of month attribute of your own hand bill or it is possible to cancel item 1. When cancelling, this [kiyara] of conduct being completed state is put in not yet conduct state.

CH 724
When this [kiyara] appears, as for the friend [kiyara] 1 body which excludes this [kiyara] [penalty: 1 you draw from your own deck.]You obtain. When this [kiyara] leaves from the place, this [kiyara] is removed from the game.

[Just the quantity of the card of your own ¡°[sukiyura]¡± card yard, 1 cancel your own deck.]
You use in the battle where this [kiyara] participates. You put opposition [kiyara] on your own ¡°[sukiyura]¡± card yard. (1 [ta] [in [n] to 1 times enabled)

CH 726
When by his uses the event, you put that event ¡°on your own happy memory¡± card yard. * ¡°The supplemental happy memory¡± card yard is the special card yard. This [kiyara] separated from the place the card which ¡°the happy memory¡± card yard is placed is not lost. ¡°The happy memory¡± card yard is open.

CH 727
With the effect of event special ability of the partner, when friend [kiyara] which it adjoins to this [kiyara] leave from your own place, the deck of the partner is cancelled 2.

CH 728
You use during our turning. You cancel ¡°1 cards of your own happy memory¡± card yard. When cancelling, the deck of the partner is cancelled 1, the hand bill of the partner 1 is cancelled to random.

CH 729
You use during our turning. You cannot use in the battle. It is possible to cancel item 1 of month attribute of your own hand bill. When cancelling, the friend [kiyara] 1 body of conduct being completed state is put in not yet conduct state. 

CH 730
You use during our turning. The [kiyara] 1 body of your own ¡°[sukiyura]¡± card yard, without paying the use compensation, it appears in empty friend field.

CH 731
When this [kiyara] leaves from the place, this [kiyara] is removed from the game. When removing, by his 5 - just value of the quantity of his own hand bill draws from his own deck. The partner 5 - just value of the quantity of the hand bill of the partner draws from the deck of the partner. Later, all ¡°happiness (rice plant month average)¡± the effect is not processed.

CH 732
When in the battle of partner [kiyara] of space attribute, using the support of this [kiyara], AP-2 DP-2 it does in opposition [kiyara].

CH 733
When declaring the support of this [kiyara], as for [kiyara] of the object to at the time of turn end [penalty: 1, you insert the card of your own trash box in the hand bill of the owner to random.]You obtain. * It is processed to the case where this [kiyara] supports friend [kiyara] in the supplemental battle.

Ch 734
1 you cancel your own deck.

 As for the [kiyara] 1 body which it adjoins to this [kiyara] to at the time of turn end [dash] or [aggressive] or [the bonus: 2 it draws] you obtain from your own deck. This special ability in the game, declaration [na] does not come targeting [kiyara] which ¡°care¡± is used.

CH 735
When partner [kiyara] of conduct being completed state becoming not yet conduct state depending upon the effect of event special ability of the partner, the deck of the owner of that [kiyara] is cancelled 3.

CH 736
You cancel ¡°card 1 of your own happy memory¡± card yard. When cancelling, as for this [kiyara] to at the time of turn end [the supporter: 1 you draw from your own deck, 2, you put the card of your own trash box most under your own deck to random.]You obtain.

CH 737
[This [kiyara] is cancelled.]
[2, you insert the card of your own trash box in the hand bill of the owner to random.]
[You remove your own [gomi]Ïä[hu] ¡°confederate rose maple¡± 1 from the game.]
As for the [kiyara] 1 body which it adjoins to this [kiyara] to at the time of turn end [dash] [aggressive] [the bonus: 2 you draw from your own deck.]You obtain. (In 1 turns to 1 times enabled)

CH 738
You use in the battle. The deck of the partner is cancelled 1. 1 you cancel your own deck.

CH 739
When the result of the battle where this [kiyara] and friend [kiyara] of same rank participate, the deck of the partner receives the damage, just value of the damage, you look most at the card on the deck of the partner. It lines up favorite into order and changes that card, most on the deck of the partner or most places under.

CH 740
This [kiyara] targeting when ¡°the swage¡± uses support, it puts that [kiyara] in not yet conduct state, 1 draws from your own deck. To at the time of turn end, this special ability is lost. Targeting this [kiyara] when ¡°the eye¡± uses support, that [kiyara] is put in not yet conduct state, the deck of the partner is cancelled 1. To at the time of turn end, this special ability is lost. * This [kiyara] handles as the same surname same name as ¡°[huobeshii]¡±.

CH 741
Discard one from deck
When appointing this [kiyara] to battle participation [kiyara], it is possible to cancel 1 your own hand bills. When cancelling, 1 you draw from your own deck.

CH 742
The deck of the partner is cancelled 1.]
When the result of the battle, opposition [kiyara] knocks down, that [kiyara] is removed from the game.

CH 743
When declaring the support of this [kiyara], 1 you cancel your own deck. When [kiyara] of the object is the man, AP+1 DP+1 it does in that [kiyara]. * It is processed to the case where this [kiyara] supports friend [kiyara] in the supplemental battle.

CH 744
When when starting the turn, ¡°[nerine]¡± has appeared in the place, DP-1 it does in partner [kiyara] everything.

CH 745
When when starting the turn, ¡°[rishiansasu]¡± has appeared in the place, AP-1 it does in partner [kiyara] everything.

CH 746
When starting the turn, SP-1 it does in [kiyara] everything which excludes ¡°[huobeshii]¡± ¡°barque¡±.

CH 747
To at the time of turn end, when the result of the battle, your own deck receive the damage, woman [kiyara] 1 body and this [kiyara] of the trash box which is cancelled by that damage are inserted in the hand bill of the owner.

CH 748
Targeting the deck when the partner uses event special ability, the deck of the partner is cancelled 2.

CH 749
When [kiyara] appears, this [kiyara] [obtains dash] to at the time of turn end.

CH 750
You use during partner turning. You cannot use in the battle. The partner appoints the friend [kiyara] 1 body of conduct state is put in not yet conduct state.

CH 751
When this [kiyara] appears, you look at the hand bill of the partner. Just the quantity of the event of that hand bill, 1, you put the card of your own trash box most under your own deck to random.

CH 752
When this [kiyara] appears, this [kiyara] and original AP of same rank put the friend [kiyara] 1 body of 3 or less in not yet conduct state.

CH 753
When this [kiyara] appears, you insert ¡°the [rishiansasu]¡± 1 bodies of your own trash box in your own hand bill. 1 you draw from your own deck.

CH 754
Discard 1 from deck
When this [kiyara] appears, original AP which it has adjoined to this [kiyara] puts the friend [kiyara] 1 body of 3 or less in not yet conduct state.

CH 755
When this [kiyara] appears, the [kiyara] 1 body of your own trash box you pay the use compensation, you appear in the empty friend field which it adjoins to this [kiyara]. * Can this card insert up to 4 separately from the same name card of another number in the deck.

CH 756
You use in the battle. You cancel ¡°card 1 of your own happy memory¡± card yard. When cancelling, DP of mutual battle participation [kiyara] is designated as 0.

CH 757
The escape [2 you cancel your own deck.] Penalty [2 you cancel your own deck.]
When this [kiyara] from the place is placed on the trash box, the woman [kiyara] 1 body is put in conduct being completed state.

CH 758
When starting the turn, equal to the quantity of woman [kiyara] of the same order as this [kiyara], AP+1 DP+1 does in this [kiyara].

CH 759
1 you cancel your own deck.
When when starting the turn, your own hand bill 0 is, 1 it is possible from your own deck to draw.

CH 760
When friend [kiyara] declares support, AP+1 it does in [kiyara] of the object. * It is processed to the case where friend [kiyara] supports friend [kiyara] in the supplemental battle.

CH 761
When this [kiyara] appears, without paying the use compensation, you equip ¡°school swimming wear¡± 1 of your own trash boxes in the friend [kiyara] 1 body which does not equip the item. * This [kiyara] handles as the same surname same name as ¡°[nerine]¡±.

CH 764
When being cancelled, [kiyara] of the place as the use compensation of declaration that [kiyara] is removed from the game. The solution of the declaration fails.

CH 765-766

EV 224
Corresponding to support declaration, you use. The [kiyara] 1 body which declares the support is put in conduct being completed state.

EV 225
Friend [the conversion] the [kiyara] 1 body is removed from the game. When removing, it is included in conversion constitution [kiyara] of the [kiyara], the use compensation without paying your own hand bill or the [kiyara] 1 body of the trash box, it appears in empty friend field.

EV 226
You use in the battle. To at the time of support declaration end, when this battle being discontinued by the effect of event special ability of the partner, opposition [kiyara] is cancelled. * Supplementation ¡°at the time of support declaration end¡± points to when ending of the procedure which declares such as support. (¡°When using support,¡± is not. It points to the interlude order of the defense declaration ~ battle result.)

EV 227
The friend [kiyara] 1 body is cancelled. When cancelling, the [kiyara] and [kiyara] everything and area everything of same rank are cancelled.

EV 228
At this event declares as cost in order to declare the use of the special ability to be able with the equipment or the item of the item. [Non non non nothing] is paid.

EV 229
You use in the battle. The effect of all ¡°transactions¡± which exclude this event is lost. When the friend [kiyara] 1 body of month attribute the result of the battle, knocking down, the deck of the partner is cancelled 3.

EV 230
Looking at the contents of the deck of the partner, it chooses card 4, places side. The deck is shuffled. That card is put most under the deck of the owner.

EV 231
Just favorite the quantity, removes the card of the trash box of the partner from the game. 1 you draw from your own deck.

EV 232
Event 1 of the trash boxes of the partner is put side. The event can declare use in the same way as the hand bill to at the time of turn end. The event which is used is removed from the game. The use compensation equal to the number of costs of that card [can fill up by the fact that nothing] is paid. To at the time of turn end when you do not use, that card is cancelled.

EV 233
¡°The [a] ~ it is the ? (the confederate rose maple)¡± of your own trash box you remove 1 from the game. When removing, 3 you draw from your own deck.

EV 234
Original AP puts the friend [kiyara] 1 body of conduct being completed state of 3 or less in not yet conduct state. As for the [kiyara] [penalty: 3 you cancel your own deck.]You obtain.

EV 235
This card is removed from the game. The [kiyara] 1 body which the partner appoints is put in conduct being completed state. 5, you put the card of your own trash box most under your own deck to random.

EV 236
You use in the battle. The value of AP of the [kiyara] 1 body and the value of DP are replaced.

EV 237
Item 1 of flower attribute of the trash box is inserted in the hand bill of the owner. 1 you draw from your own deck.

EV 238
The [kiyara] 1 body [dash] [loses aggressive] to at the time of turn end.

EV 239
While ¡°the swage¡± has appeared, you use for your own place. Friend the [kiyara] 1 body ¡°of swage¡± and same rank is put in conduct being completed state or not yet conduct state. It is possible to cancel area everything of the field where item and that [kiyara] which the [kiyara] has equipped have appeared.

EV 240
While ¡°[rishiansasu]¡± has appeared, you use for your own place. The [kiyara] 1 body is put in conduct being completed state. The [kiyara] does not return to not yet conduct state with [ueikuatsupu] of the owner of next that [kiyara].

EV 241
The friend [kiyara] 1 body is moved to empty friend field. When moving, the [kiyara] is put in not yet conduct state.

EV 242
Corresponding to the declaration of appearance of [kiyara] of the partner, you use. When the [kiyara] [it has aggressive], that [kiyara] is cancelled.

EV 243
Corresponding to the support declaration of the partner, you use. Corresponding to the declaration of at this event, it cannot declare the partner. The support fails. The partner, between this battles, cannot declare the use of support.

EV 244
In the battle where [kiyara] of day attribute participates, corresponding to the declaration of event special ability of the partner, you use. 2 you draw from your own deck.

EV 245
The friend [kiyara] 1 body of not yet conduct state is put in conduct being completed state. When putting in conduct being completed state, the [kiyara] 1 body which it adjoins with the [kiyara] [obtains aggressive] to at the time of turn end.

EV 246
¡°The [a] ~ it is the ? ([nerine])¡± of your own trash box you remove 1 from the game. When removing, [kiyara] 1 [obtains aggressive]. 1 you draw from your own deck.

EV 247
¡°The [a] ~ it is the ? ([rishiansasu])¡± of your own trash box you remove 1 from the game. When removing, [kiyara] 1 [obtains dash]. 1 you draw from your own deck.

EV 248
While ¡°the time the rainy sub- sand¡± has appeared, you use for your own place. 1 card names are appointed. You place most under the deck of the owner to the [kiyara] 4 body of the same name as the card name which your own trash box appoint. This card is removed from the game.

EV 249
2 you draw from your own deck. 1 you cancel your own hand bill to random.

EV 250
You cancel the [kiyara] 1 body of your own hand bill. You looking at the contents of your own deck, as the [kiyara] you insert [kiyara] where [kiyara] or that [kiyara] which is included in same name or conversion constitution [kiyara] of that [kiyara] is included in conversion constitution [kiyara] in the hand bill of the owner to 2 bodies. The deck is shuffled

EV 251
During this turning, before doing this processing, the [kiyara] 1 body which has become conduct being completed state depending upon the effect of event special ability of the partner, is put in not yet conduct state. 1 it is possible from your own deck to draw.

EV 252
While ¡°[nerine]¡± has appeared, you use for your own place. [kiyara] everything of conduct being completed state is put in not yet conduct state.

EV 121
It cannot equip this item in [kiyara] of the owner of this item. When starting our turn, AP-1 DP-1 SP-1 it does in this [kiyara]. The use compensation without paying ¡°cancer/gun cell¡± 1 of the trash boxes of the owner of this item, it equips in the friend [kiyara] 1 body. This [kiyara] obtains the next special ability. The cancer/gun cell [non non non nothing] you use during our turning. This item is removed from the game.

IT 122
When this [kiyara] the result of the battle, knocking down, the hand bill of the partner 2, is cancelled to random.

IT 123
You designate the draw quantity of your own worm rise as 1. This [kiyara] obtains the next special ability. Doubt [4 you cancel your own deck.] You use during our turning. This item is cancelled.

IT 124
When when starting the turn, ¡°the request of birthday¡± partner [kiyara] and friend [kiyara] have equipped, [kiyara] everything which equips ¡°the request of birthday¡± does not return to not yet conduct state with following [ueikuatsupu]. This [kiyara] obtains the next special ability. The request of birthday [non non non nothing] partner [kiyara] it has equipped, ¡°request 1 of birthday¡± are cancelled.

IT 125
When starting our turn, it is possible 2, to remove your own deck from the game. When it does not remove, this item is cancelled. When it removes, to at the time of partner turn end, special ability everything which can depending upon the [kiyara] all area cannot declare use.

IT 126
When starting the turn, SP+1 it does in friend woman [kiyara] everything of a not yet conduct state where it adjoins to this [kiyara].

IT 127
When starting the turn, AP-1 DP-1 SP-1 it does in this [kiyara]. This [kiyara] obtains the next special ability.
You use during our turning. This item is cancelled.

IT 128
When this item the place leaving with the effect of event special ability, you put this item most under the deck of the owner, 1 draw from your own deck. This [kiyara] obtains the next special ability.
This item is cancelled.

IT 129
When starting the turn, it is possible to put this [kiyara] in not yet conduct state. When putting in not yet conduct state, 1 you cancel your own deck.

IT 130
When this [kiyara] from the place is placed on the trash box, [kiyara] everything of the same number, as this [kiyara] of the trash box is made most under the deck of the owner. * You ignore the sign of end of supplemental card number.

IT 131
When when starting our turn, this [kiyara] is not yet conduct state, the deck of the partner is cancelled 1. To at the time of turn end, ¡°it makes young¡± and all effects are lost.

IT 132
When declaring the support of this [kiyara], it adds that support to AP of [kiyara] of the object. The [kiyara] [obtains dash] to at the time of turn end. * It is processed to the case where this [kiyara] supports friend [kiyara] in the supplemental battle.

IT 133
When declaring the support of this [kiyara], 1 you draw from your own deck. To at the time of turn end, this effect is lost. * It is processed to the case where this [kiyara] supports friend [kiyara] in the supplemental battle.

IT 134
When this [kiyara] the place leaving, the deck of the partner is cancelled 2.

IT 135
When starting the turn, SP-2 it does in [kiyara] everything of the same order as this [kiyara].

IT 136
When partner [kiyara] moved, it is possible to move this [kiyara] to empty friend field. When moving, to at the time of turn end, this effect is lost.

IT 137
When equipping this item, 2 you draw from your own deck. When this item leaves from the place, 1 you cancel your own deck.

IT 138
AP-3 DP-3 it does in this [kiyara]. When ending of the battle where this [kiyara] participated, this item is cancelled.

AR 35
It arranges this area in DF. When the result of the battle where partner AF [kiyara] in this line participates, your own deck receive the damage, it is possible to cancel card 1 of snow attribute of your own hand bill. When cancelling, the damage is done - 1.

AR 36
It arranges this area in DF. When the result of the battle where partner AF [kiyara] in this line participates, your own deck receive the damage, it is possible to cancel card 1 of month attribute of your own hand bill. When cancelling, the damage is done - 1.

AR 37
The mutual prayer draws the draw of worm rise most from under the deck.

AR 38
It arranges this area in DF. When the result of the battle where partner AF [kiyara] in this line participates, your own deck receive the damage, it is possible to cancel card 1 of flower attribute of your own hand bill. When cancelling, the damage is done - 1.

AR 39
This [kiyara] obtains the next special ability. The hiding place [this area is cancelled.] You use in the battle. The battle is discontinued.

AR 40
When appointing this [kiyara] to battle participation [kiyara], this [kiyara] do not return to not yet conduct state with next your own [ueikuatsupu].

AR 41
It arranges this area in DF. When the result of the battle where partner AF [kiyara] in this line participates, your own deck receive the damage, it is possible to cancel card 1 of space attribute of your own hand bill. When cancelling, the damage is done - 1.

AR 42
It arranges this area in DF. When the result of the battle where partner AF [kiyara] in this line participates, your own deck receive the damage, it is possible to cancel card 1 of day attribute of your own hand bill. When cancelling, the damage is done - 1.
