List of names associated with the Theatre in Australia. Including the Tivoli theatres in Sydney and Melbourne.


This site has moved here

HAT- The History of Australian Theatre

It contains the same information about Australian Theatre history, but I think is easier to navigate.

I have decided to keep this site available, but will not be updating it. You can view the updated version by clicking the link above.Alternatively, you can still browse this site by clicking either the names link (index to over a thousand names) or the background link (articles on Australian Theatre history). Enjoy your visit.

Happily, Mr Frank Van Straten's book on the Tivoli should now be available in all good bookstores. Frank is Australia's expert on the Tivoli theatres and their history. The book sells for 60 dollars and includes a CD called, Tivoli Echoes. I recommend it for anybody interested in Australian Theatre history.

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