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Feminism My Take
   I read an article today about feminism,  It asked the question are men using feminism as an excuse to slack off on manners.  My gut response was, well what did you expect.  Men like to feel useful they take pride in serving.  Feminism attacks any man for douting on a woman.  He is denied his usefulness his pride, but wait he should serve on demand.  He gets no virtue from offering.  There is no satisfaction in holding the door for a roaring woman.  A woman who walks through and mutters," yea you know your place",  will soon be getting her own door.    
Thought for the week:
If your boyfriend says, "I think we should see other people", he already is.
Men & Responsiblity    
There is a billboard on the way to my place of employment that has a pregnant woman and a man in the background.  It simply reads you are as responsible as she is.   My question is since when, for years men have been told it is none of their business what a woman does with her body.  Does she use birth control?  Who cares it is her body,or so men have been told over the years.  If she gets pregnant then she can deal with it.  Oh I see, now that there are bills to pay and mouths to feed,  all of the sudden the man is of value and should be a part of the picture.  Well if you want a man to be responsible, maybe you should share the rights and choices, such as a say in rather the woman can kill his child.  It burns me up that a man cannot prevent a woman from killing his child.
Thought for the week:
She said, "I am waiting for my prince to come."  Do you think he will mind that you slept with all these frogs while you waited.
Time & Sex
I view life as if time did not exist.  Our lives are what we do not when we did them.  At least this is part of my perspective.  I bring this up because of a conversation I had with a coworker about sex.  I asked if it bothered her that her current boyfriend had slept with other women.  She replyed no because we had not met yet.  In my way of seeing things it does not matter that they had not met, it is still being unfaithful to his future spouse.  When he finds the one he will marry, he has already cheated her.