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Mon Epouse

My wife

I shall love thee until the end of time itself
then, taking thee by the hand,
we shall together step over the waters
of Jordan

Beginning life all over again;
one unto the other,
sharing the eternities
within each other

Heart's surrounded, love enraptured;
and with my Father,
learn what love is
all over again

~ I Love You ~

Tu es mon raison d'etre

You are my reason for living

Je t'aime tourjour la femme de mon coeur

I love the woman of my heart



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Let's go back to ~ One Boy and One Girl ~ hmmmm?
I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again
Let's go back to the EMBERS content page ok???
Why don't you drop me a line ok?
The next poem we'll see is ~ Season's In Time ~ ...ok?



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