Welcome to Little Creek Rabbitry!! We are Sheila and Amanda Leifheit and we are located in St. Paris,Ohio. Please visit us often!!!!!  If you have any questions feel free to call or e-mail. 1(937)857-0032 or bunnies43579@aol.com
Site updated on November 21,2003
All photos and content of this site property of Amanda Leifheit. Do not use any part of this site without express written permission!!!
About Us!!
Mini Lops!!
Mini Rex!!
For Sale!!
New Arrivals!!
Thanks to Mindy Boday for all of her help with this site!!!
Cages and supplies for sale!!!
Also thank you to Eva Wells of BTW rabbitry. Your  backgrounds and graphics are great!!!
Springfield Busy Bunnies youth club site
Don't forget to sign our guestbook!!!!!!!
My e-mail is back up and running please feel free to e-mail me about anyting on my site! Thanks!!
Holland Lops
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