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My Recipes
NB: I only very loosely call them mine, and make no claim to real ownership! No doubt countless others have made them countless times before.
Some of the ones I've posted here, I've slaved to get right... If you like them and use them, feel free to post them anywhere you want; if you do, I'd appreciate a mention, but I won't be upset if you don't.

1. 15 Layer Russian Honey Cake
My Russian Honey Cake... this was a real labour of love (bordering
on an obsession!) To find this recipe I searched high and low, in Russian language sites (which I understand all of 'nyet'), cajoled friendly Russians for translations, and sweated over a stove to get it right; but it sure was worth it!
2. Charlotte Royale (aka Brain Cake)
No, not a 'Fear Factor' offering! The nearest thing I could describe it is like a trifle in reverse - the sponge is on the outside, the filling in the middle. Yummy, fairly easy to  make. Feeds 12 large, or 16 normal servings.