If you have an opinion of your own relating to PetShop of Horrors, please mail it in!!  I love hearing other's ideas.  Don't be shy!

However, please be courteous.  Ranting is welcomed and encouraged, but don't verbally tear things to pieces.

Remember, everybody is entitled to their opinion, and everybody is free to disagree.


BTW, check out the PSoH Forum, open to all.  Start a thread, ask questions, just have fun!!

Okay, the forum will soon disappear in about the middle of June, but i *will* set up another! *determined* 
I will post the current threads here so all won't be lost....

What is D?
Um...Kami?  Alien?  Human turned god?  Or something completely unknown by humanity?  This arguement manages to run in cycles on the mailing list. 

In volume 10 it is said that the Count reveals to Leon that he is a Kami, a god-like creature / spirit usually connected to nature.  But if you know anything about Kami, then you know that there really is no definite explanation of what they are.  (interesting fact:  It's said that there are millions of Kami...mountains, rivers, birds, city guardians...etc.)
My own opinion?  I believe D is a Kami---maybe not a god, but perhaps a spirit or even a force of nature. 
Or perhaps he's some celestial judge (hey, it's possible!).  Maybe his 'pets' aren't meant to be as dreams...but a last chance for people who balance on the edge, and he gives them the opportunity to save themselves before it's too late.  For example, Mrs. Hayward is given her 'daughter' back and the chance to do 'the right thing', but she foolishly repeats the same mistake that took her daughter from her the first time.  Incidently, she ends up losing not only her 'daughter', but her husband, and probably her sanity.  But she doesn't die.  Why?  Maybe D took pity on her (I don't buy the whole 'tenth generation posion taking affect'---I think D was in charge the whole time)...
I think it's more likely that she was allowed to live because living would be a far greater punishment.  Imagine carrying with you the guilt of having killed your daughter, not once, but twice...and in some way having a hand in your husband's death.  Talk about hell.
But this is an open topic...
Then again. I tend to link D with my namesake (Loki).  The only god in Norse mythology that has the power to do both 'good' and 'evil', and judge between the two.  (the other gods could only be 'good')
So, there it is.  He's a trickster god.  of course, i'm likely wrong.  ^_^


Basically i believe count D is neither a kami or a god, i believe that he
could possibly have some sort of magic, perhaps voodu (not the stereotyped
left handed (evil) voodu but the right handed (good) voodu) because in voodu
u can control animals and such so perhaps he can controll the behavior of the animal by also trying to give the person he is selling the animal to a second chance to change their life.
What is D's purpose?
AhHa!!  My insane opinion?  To teach.  Not to boost Leon's arrogance, but I think D (for some reason only a god would know) means to teach Leon some very important lessons.  He sees 'Mr. Detective's' potential and wants to expand this *ahem* narrow-minded human's understanding.  (hey, not unlike Krishna and Arjuna...if you know anything about the Hindu religion) 
No, I don't believe that's his *only* purpose...but here I once again side with idea of him being a celestial judge, and offering those individuals on the edge a last chance at salvation (not to sound religious, or anything, but you get the idea...er, I hope).
And, as always,
this area is:

Under Heavy Construction.<<
Author:  Nayru

Blunt, ne? Well, here's what I think: It's very obvious that D is gay. Don't think I have a problem with this, (Quite the contrary!), what I think is odd is his pairing with Leon. The fact that they are the only two males in the story don't exactly give many options, but still, it just doesn't seem to work on many levels. D is so...calm and eerie and all-knowing, while Leon is...hot headed and stupid. No, make that stoopid. D is beautiful, and more so on a sexual level than anything else. But Leon....damnit, he's just *too straight*, it'd never work out. That's my opinion. Anyone else?

Author:  Loki

Wow, I was supposed to get an email whenever someone posted, so forgive my 'lateness'...
anyway, on this subject...do you have the manga? everybody is entitled to their opinions but it makes me sad when people call Leon stupid...he's not stupid, he's impulsive and has a loud mouth and frankly---D likes to make him look like a fool (not that Leon can't do that himself, but 'foolish' is not 'stupid' and neither is ignorance, which is Leon's real problem...) That wasn't the subject introduced, so, back to it.^_^ Aside from a kiss from Wong (Tetsu-chan), and all the flirting he does with Leon, it is not definite that D is gay. though all the evidence presented makes one lean toward that conclusion!  ^_^  And the fact that D *does* flirt with Leon so much makes me, at least, assume that he likes him. I think they're a perfect match, because I have found that two 'opposite' people in a relationship always equals angst and passion...which then equals some very niceeeee fanfiction!!! ^_~ hehe, okay. my opinion, which is worth shit...but it's still mine! *looks back over what she typed* oi! did that make sense to anyone?!

Author:  Nayru

Actually, no, I haven't seen the manga yet! All I've seen are the OAV. I *am* trying to get the manga, only it's trying in the "When I find a ride to LA I'll look for it" kind of way. I do like Leon, I just had to think about it before I realized it, and I'm glad he's not really a moron in the manga, it's something to look forward to.

>>he's not stupid, he's impulsive and has a loud mouth and frankly---D likes to make him look like a fool (not that Leon can't do that himself, but 'foolish' is not 'stupid' and neither is ignorance, which is Leon's real problem...)<<

Wow...that sounds like me... Anyway, you *do* have a really good point about opposite's attracting, and now that I've had time to warm up to the idea, I can definitely see the pairing working out better.

And yes, you did make sense.  :)

Author:  Loki

O!! You need to get the manga, it's so funny and beautifully drawn. And you get more insight into Leon's character. He's not a genius, but he's of average intelligence. Book two is one of my favs because it has "Dragon" and "Destruction". Volume 10 though is so sad! I'm not that emotional of a person but it made me cry.  :(  If you like I can give you the web addys to some of the online stores that have the manga, or ISBN#s . . .
I read over my post again and hope i didn't come across rude or something. i wasn't trying to be! and you know in the oavs there really isn't any definite evidence that they like each other, only in the manga. and even then there are still ways in which you can argue the point (since there was nothing as *concrete* as a full-mouthed kiss...0_0). There was this scene in "Dark Horse" where D gets all touchy-feely and Leon about passes out! ^_^   LOL  And "Dracula" is a jewel of a chapter!! (hehe, both of these happen to be in volume 4, in case you were wondering) Um, so, the manga is definitely worth buying, in my opinion!  ^_^

Author:  Opus_anna

Umm, I guess I'll put in my two cents. D definitely likes guys, but I don't think that means he's completely gay. After all, he doesn't seem to be human, and if he isn't, there's really no reason for him to stick to human gender stereotypes. Personally, I think he shows enough masculine as well as feminine traits to consider him a sort of androgynous creature. And if he is rather long lived as well, the cheongsum might just be the type of clothing he has been accustomed to. And who knows, D just might not care about the gender of his lovers.
As for Leon, he can't be completely stupid, considering he's a full detective at such a young age, and investigating cases all by himself. I think that with the kind of cases involving D, he's just out of his realm of experience. And then he's just too pigheaded to adjust to the new situation.
I think D likes him exactly because of his brash, hot-headed personality ("You're very zealous. I like that in a human being")He seems to enjoy some twisted pleasure from getting on the detective's nerves, too. Also, for all of Leon's shortcomings, he is very honest and goodhearted, and I think D sees that.
As for Leon's sexuality, there is no way that he could be completely gay, near as I can tell. I do think he's a repressed bisexual, though. (Well, I want to think that, otherwise there's no way to get him in bed w/ D. ^_~)
Anyway, I'd better quit before this completely turns into a thesis paper. :)

Author:  Alliyah

Totally gay, & if I understand correctly, in the manga, Leon turns out to be gay in the end too.

Author:  Loki

actually, no. D *may* be gay (taking into consideration the situation with Wong), i won't disagree with you there. but it is never truly confirmed that Leon is. a few hints dropped, but not that he's gay....perhaps bisexual. it's clear that the Count unsettles him, but it doesn't have to be in a sexual way, even if we (me included) want it to be. there are so many unanswered questions about the conclusion of the manga...and even though we catch a glimpse of twenty years after the fact---we know almost nothing about what became of Leon, where the Count went...and while i'm at it--who does Chris meet at the end, anybody know? i don't know enough to translate the passage, but is that D's father? if it is he certainly has changed a lot. possibly D's parenting? has D managed to teach his father what Papa D was trying to destroy in him? these questions and more answered....probably never. ^_^ *sigh*
D's Sexuality?
"Contract Broken"
Author:  Chiqlit

Well, whadda you think...
When Leon entered D's shop for the fist time, he bumped into a little girl.. And lifted the sheet covering the cage to see a little green bird.. Did he break the contract?
I think so.. so goes the theme for my petshop fanfic.. but oi, did anyone else notice that?

Author:  Loki

ah! sorry for the late reply! a wonderful idea! and I absolutely love that fic! you know, that exact scene plays out in the manga but we never find out what happens to the girl *or* the bird...Damn it, but that fic was sad! :(   Leon, my poor darling!! D, come over here and comfort him! *nudge nudge*
D:  ^_~ Poor, poor Keiji-san...
Leon: 0_0 ahhhh!!! i'm going to kill you, LOKI!!
Loki: *puts fingers to her mouth* teehee...o come on, Leon! Take it like a man........
omigod, i'm not a hentai. i'm not a hentai. i'm not!! i'm just a little insane....

Author:  Opus_anna

Well, I always thought maybe D sold two types of pets- the normal ones that we never hear about because they don't kill anyone, and the exotic ones that require contracts. The chief didn't seem to be worried about keeping his dog hidden in the OVA. On the other hand, the birdcage was covered, so maybe it was one of the exotic ones.

Author:  Loki

Ya know, that came into my mind as well. But in the manga...all his pets have humanoid forms, but maybe not all of them are quite as dangerous as Eva or Wong (Tetsu-chan). Also, the rules of the contract change with each pet, and not all of them have to be kept out of sight. Like Dreizhen, the seeing-eye dog. I think it would have been difficult to keep others from seeing him! Then again, that instance on the stairs is never discussed in the manga. so who knows what happened...
Can They Do It?
Author:  Loki

most people agree on the idea of Leon and D in a relationship. But given what is known about both of them---is it possible? Leon is so stubborn and 'all-american', and even D seems to be set above humans and all their little aggravations. Personally, i think their differences make it possible. but is this only wishful thinking on my part? ^_^ Just an idea, i thought maybe if i asked a few questions more people would be inclined to post...is *that* wishful thinking??????