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Ragnarok Online

Kawaii Chinese Vampire MunakChinese Vampire Bongun

Ragnarok Online is a lovely game with a good community of people with cute animation sprites and lovely music. It consists of three servers, which two out of the three servers I'm glad I've been able to play and enjoy immensely. The three servers are Chaos, Loki and Sakray. The two servers which I've played on are Loki then Sakray... although the Sakray server I've heard numerous good things of due to the smaller population of people on there and that it's a test server... (test server means exactly that as it's written, they may wipe the entire server just for testing... *sweatdrops*) I gave the Loki server a first shot and made my first character on there named him Lord Ashram a Swordman... then much later I gave the Sakray server a shot and left my character as a novice just right after the Comodo patch came out to see how the city of Comodo was and to see how Sakray is. So after testing it out, I knew my true calling was Loki for then my Swordman met a lot of friends and so I went back to play my Swordman. After a brief moment of playing my Swordman, I decided to make an Acolyte that best fit my personality and named him after one of my original characters in my stories. I named him Varkyle... and much has changed since I made him, in fact much of this page's memories will be of Varkyle and the friends I've met. Though Chaos the name was really and ideally something I would of gone to if I've not met some really kind, sweet and nice people within the Loki server and eventually became indeed home.

This particular page isn't about Ragnarok Online though... so if you came here in hopes of getting information on this game, I'd recommend going back to the main page and clicking the lovely Korean Ragnarok Online banner that I picture linked from my main site and click on International Ragnarok Online for much more information on such a sweet online game with the right mix of Japanese/Korean animation, Roleplaying game like job skills with Diablo II type fighting that has kept me playing for quite a long time now. I can only hope to keep making more memories as more challenges arise... and more quests to conquer with each new adventure Ragnarok Online has to offer.

Prontera City Geffen
Lutie Payon
Morroc Comodo
Lutie Alberta

Kawaii Kitty AssassinKawaii Blacksmith

Astro has made us a forum... ^^ please visit the link below to sign up and communicate with us ^^... I'll try to input as much as I can in between game time and forum time *L* updates/piccies... Mystic Riders Forum Linkie

Guild Agenda of Mystical Griffon Riders

Dear Guild Members,
Welcome to Mystical Griffon Riders! Please choose a Griffon... ^^ After a long period of having our guild -=Seraphic Dragoons=- going under, I was pretty much a guidless bunny Priest again... Dated: (6/72/04) having my Knight in Griffons... with no one on usually... proved still how hard it is to maintain a guild and it's members. With my Priest having no where to go really... he chose the path of going to the ME guild... sad to say my Priest although finally reaching level 79/50 Dated: (8/7/04) he left the ME guild once again to be a wandering bunny Priest due to not being of much help... it was home... but yet again not quite at times not home... Dated: (11/28/04)

Thus gave me a chance to fully concentrate on Griffons once again... where four of my other characters reside... and actually feels more like at home... It's also good to finally see Dragon Force back in the guild... especially after his long absence from the game...

Mystical Griffon Riders is not a War of Emperium guild... and likely never will be... I like actually keeping in touch with people in the guild... and that's one way I've found to actually be able to see all the people on at once... though I wish one day... they would implement something... that will tell when one of my friends on the friend's list actually signs on... that way... I don't need to add 4 characters from one person =P

Our agenda mainly is to have fun... guild hunts, helping one another gather items... level in parties... information... on prices, enemies... in general a guidance for those who've yet to familiarize themselves with the game or just to have fun with friendly people who have like interests... so if you have a question... please by all means ask away... ^^

Yours Sincerely, Lord Ashram
(Guild Master Of Mystical Griffon Riders)

Leader of Griffons aka Black Knight Griffon God of Rock
Griffon Cutie Without Prontera Warp
NOT a Medic Battle NOT a Medic
Healing Vision Yes I'm Single PM Me
Griffon Baby ReTaRdO hEaLeR

Entrance to City of Nifflheim

Guild Agenda of -=Seraphic Dragoons=-

Dear Guild Members,
First of all welcome to the Guild!! I am proud to have a member like you in our guild. Our guild been established since beginning of beta version of iRO and was known as “Angelic Warriors” comprising of me, Varkyle, IceHeart, Astrogrl, WednPriest, Yoma, Waku-chan, Quartz, Midnight Phoenix, Evangeline, Lady Chris and TakaNova. We took our time training from 1st Class all the way until we turned to our 2nd Class and managed to get the guild to level 4.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that Astrogrl had to remake her merchant, we had to remake the guild which is now known as “-=Seraphic Dragoons=-” which means Dragon Knights. So far the guild is about 4 months old with most of the old member. But some were lost dearly to us especially Waku, IceHeart and Quartz. They are no longer playing the game with us. Nevertheless, we will not forget those who bring us those humorous memories back in those times.

How we go about remaking the guild? Well after the old guild was disbanded, we were all separated in different paths for a few months. Varkyle remained a guildless red haired bunny Priest... lol... and I gone to try join another guild in which I slowly came to know how to run a guild well. It was rather hard to gather members back especially when we lost contacts and of the different time zone we are in. Varkyle helped me a lot in gathering all the members back and assisting me in setting up of the new guild. So far so good, the guild have been functioning properly and moving towards the expansion of the guild in the near future.

So, lets work together towards leveling up with guild teamwork and survive through all obstacles that are to come. With high hopes and warm welcomes to the new members I wish you all to have a fun and eventful time with us.

Yours Sincerely, Dragon Force
(Guild Master Of -=Seraphic Dragoons=-)

In commands are the following:

(Guild Second Of -=Seraphic Dragoons=-)

(Guild Third Of -=Seraphic Dragoons=-)

(Guild Fourth Of -=Seraphic Dragoons=-)


1. Guild members should be active at all times. Members who are planning to be poofie for more than 2 weeks are to notify the guild master or Varkyle. We expect to at least check in with us once in between 14 days, we all worry and miss our guild members. Varkyle and I will send out warnings if the minimum isn’t fulfilled.

1st Offence: Warning via email.
2nd Offence: Warning via email.
3rd Offence: Off the guild.
(Guild Master’s Email: Josh_Hau@hotmail.com)
(Varkyle’s email: Royalace@hotmail.com)

2. Botting is strictly forbidden in the guild. Members found or suspected of botting are to report to Guild Master or Varkyle via email or Private Messages. We will look it over before any action is taken from the notification, we do recommend discreet reports, we value trust within our guild.

1st Time: Warning is issued.
2nd Time: Off the guild.

3. Guild members are not allowed to go around spamming other guild.

1st Offence: Warning.
2nd Offence: Off the guild.

4. Any misconduct of guild member found shall be reported to guild master or the others of command. These include the following but may include other behaviors such as scamming, botting, harassing, kill stealing and sabotaging. In short, use proper judgment and common sense. Guild master and in commands have the last say of the punishment implemented.

5. Guild meetings and hunt will be organized occasionally. Members shall keep track of current matters regarding the progress of the guild. Dragon and I do wish all members of the guild to participate in guild hunts, considering that we don't see everyone during regular times. That and we all get to make an adventure partying together and overcoming most odds.

6. All guild matters (In Example: Guild levels, members’ level... etc) shall be kept highly classified... Members found disclosing the above mention info will be severely dealt with.

7. Members are to notify either the guild master or in commands if recruitment is needed or any other guild found to be annoying us. Credits will be for contributing sincerity for the guild. (Guild master and in commands have the last say)


1. Members are encouraged to help each other in leveling individuals as well as the guild as much as they can in a positive manner.

2. Expansion Of The Guild (Kept-In-Confident) *especially Guild master and in commands.

3. Be prepared to get our very own guild elemental equipment.

4. To foster a good relations and team work among fellow guild members in order for good co-ordination in future guild hunt.

5. To developed good leadership in one self.

6. Enable our guild to live up to its name.

-=Upcoming Events=-

1. Guild hunt starts this week.
Date: Every Saturday
Meeting: Astro's Lamp Post in Prontera City right side of the first intersection.
Time: Starts at 7pm PST and lasts the whole day...

2. Recruitment of new members.
Class needed: More Hunter/Huntress and Assassins

3. Guild Wars & War of Emperium.
To be planned by in commands when or until our guild is ready to own a castle.

4. Guild very own elemental equipments.
It’s encouraged that all members should pass forging items such as iron, steel, and any elemental stones to the guild’s Blacksmith in preparing to get our very own guild elemental weapon. All guild stuff will be kept by the guild master and in commands. It's also highly recommended that if you're not leveling to try to help the guild's blacksmith considering he/she is a pure forger they can't level by themselves/solo so any help would be appreciated.

5. Juno Patch/Updates.
The patch is predicted to come very soon!! and with 2 or 3 more character slots. In other words, instead of the normal 3 character slot we have, there will be 5 instead. The patch will also include the new 2-2 job classes. Members are encouraged to create 2-2 classes before hand if they wish. For info on 2-2 classes please refer to this website:


6. Alternate Guild Extensions are the following.
Mystical Griffon Riders

7. 2-2 Classes.
For those within the main guild that are planning to make 2-2 classes and are focusing on them more please do let Dragon or I know, so that we know you're still around. I'm planning to make my ready Thief into Rogue with Bard and Monk whenever the slots come out that is included with Juno. If you wish to keep in contact with Dragon or I... please send an email or better add your alternate character into the subguild.

Click on the following to see the wonderful screen captures of those past memories...

Click on Bunny Priest to warp to Memories page

Click on Kitty Ear Rogue to warp to Memories page

Click on Bunny Priest to warp to the 3rd Memories page

Click Here!