Here is where im going to write all about if and when
i meet any of the Buffy stars..............
On Friday the 10th May me and some of my friends got the train streight from school to Sheffield where we spent 15mins going in the totally wrong direction, asking directions and totaly getting lost until we eventually found Forbidden Plannet. We qued for about 10mins and then went in. Sat in the far corner was the Brilliant and very pretty Clare Kramer a.k.a Hell God Glory. Clare was so nice, asked us how we were and we even had our photo taken together. My mate Claire was so happy when Clare put her arm round her for a photo and said, "hey its the two Claires" you should have seen her face light up. We were smileing for hours later!!!!!!!

      The Autograph          
O.M.G i really can't believe it i met james marsters...ask anyone and they will tell you i totally love him...oh wow....breath in ....breath out....ahhhh
ok so we got to forbidden planet in leeds at about 4.15 and woah i'd neva seen a que like heart sank when at 6 o clock we were still only half way up the que and the shop wes due to shut!!!!! luckily james is an angel and agreed to stay on till wed all been through...phew...finally 4 hours and a lot of macdonalds lemonade l8r we were entering the was all quiet and there was me stood on the stairs screaming "claire oh my god i can see him claire!!!!" ooopppss
i got to the top bought a pic and handed my camera to the guard...shakily i walked forward my eyes were already watering... james looked up "oh my god are u ok??" he asked i smiled and he reached out and shook my hand his hands were sooooo soft and i just stared into his eyes..."come on then he said" and i handed him my pic and autograph book and he signed them...."thankyou i said" "my pleasure" he last look into those amazing blue eyes and i turened round and burst into was amazing the best day eva.....JAMES I LOVE YA BABE!!!!!!

Take a look