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TSR Games Logo I.
D&D Animated Cartoon Series
D&D Episode Listing
AD&D Action Figure Imagery - toy box scans
AD&D: Player's HandBook, 1st Edition by Gary Gygax, 1978 TSR Games
Character Abilities
Character Races: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Human, etc.
Character Classes: Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Magic-User, Illusionist, Thief, Assassin, Monk + Bard
Known Planes of Existence
I. Intro
Role-playing games (RPG) became well known from the trademark, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), one of the first RPG to make a huge impact in the game industry. D&D was originally under license by TSR Games and then bought out by 'Wizards of the Coast' circa 1998. TSR published a player's handbook, monster manual, character class guides and adventure sets. Toys from the cartoon were also sold. For fanatics, TSR sold products under the name, 'Advanced Dungeons and Dragons' (AD&D). More rules to follow and more character classes describe AD&D. If you enjoy D&D... see these related films: Excalibur, DragonSlayer, Conan the Barbarian, Legend, Clash of the Titans, Lord of the Rings, BeastMaster, Hobbit and Willow. Also, recommend a video game called Final Fantasy Tactics which exemplifies D&D. Updated 06apr2001
II. D&D Animated Cartoon Series
Many cartoon gems aired in the 1980's like the TransFormers and G.I. Joe series. Another was Dungeons and Dragons, a cartoon series based on the same name RPG. It aired by CBS from 1983 to 1987, and re-aired by FOX in 2000 to hype up the poorly done movie. The plot of the series is 6 teenagers take a rollercoaster ride called 'Dungeons and Dragons' at a local amusement park. They' re transported into a realm of swords and sorcery, where they try to find a way back home. Main characters are Hank Brown the Ranger, Eric Terrence Donaldson the Cavalier, Sheila Davies the Thief, Presto the Magician, Diana Campbell the Acrobat, Bobby Goldwyn the Barbarian, Dungeon Master, Uni the Unicorn and Venger the evil villian.
II.a. D&D Episode Listing
1.01 Night of No Tomorrow 17sep1983
1.02 Eye of the Beholder
1.03 Hall of Bones
1.04 Valley of the Unicorns
1.05 In Search of the Dungeon Master
1.06 Beauty and the Bogbeast
1.07 Prison without Walls
1.08 Servant of Evil
1.09 Quest of the Skeleton Warrior
1.10 Garden of Zinn
1.11 Box
1.12 Lost Children
1.13 P-R-E-S-T-O Spells Disaster
Player's Book 1st Ed. Inner Leaf Image Scan 2.01 Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow 15sep1984
2.02 Treasure of Tardos
2.03 City at the Edge of Midnight
2.04 Traitor
2.05 Day of the Dungeon Master
2.06 Last Illusion
2.07 Dragon's Graveyard
2.08 Child of the Stargazer
3.01 Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn 14sep1985
3.02 Time Lost 21sep1985
3.03 Odyssey of the 12th Talisman 28sep1985
3.04 Citadel of Shadow 12oct1985
3.05 Cave of the Fairie Dragons 09nov1985
3.06 Winds of Darkness 07dec1985?
III. AD&D Action Figure Imagery
BowMarc: Good Crusader
Deeth: Good Fighter
Drex: Evil Warrior
ElkHorn: Good Dwarf Fighter
Evil Nightmare: Flying Horse-Like Creature
GrimSword: Evil Knight
Hawkler: Good Ranger
Hook Horror
Kelek: Evil Sorcerer '83
Kelek: Evil Sorcerer '84
ManDoom: Good Warrior
Melf: Good Fighter Mage Elf
Mercion: Good Cleric female
MettaFlame: Evil Fire Gnome
NorthLord: Good Great Barbarian
Orge King: Evil
RingleRun: Good Wizard
Skylla: Evil Magic-User
Stalwart Men at Arms
StrongHeart: Good Paladin
WarDuke: Evil Fighter
Young Male Titan: Good
Zarak: Evil Half-Orc Assassin
Zorgar: Evil Barbarian
IV. AD&D: Player's HandBook
Player's Book 1st Ed. Cover ScanDown below are excerpts from the 1st Edition of AD&D: Player's HandBook by Gary Gygax (1978 TSR Games) with some info with cover and image scans by EngineeRunner. This is to show how great the game is!
About the Game
Swords and sorcery best describes this game, for those are the 2 key fantasy ingredients. AD&D is a fantasy game of role-playing that relies upon imagination of participants, for it is certainly make-believe, yet so interesting, challenging, mind unleashing that it comes near reality. Game is ideal for 3 or more players: one player must serve as Dungeon Master, shaper of the fantasy milieu, world in which all action will take place. Other participants become adventurers by creating characters to explore the world + face all its challenges - monsters, magic + unnamed menaces. As is typical for most of us in real life, each character begins at the bottom of one's class (or profession). By successfully meeting challenges posed, they gain experience + move upwards in power, just as actual playing experience really increases playing skill. Imagination, intelligence, problem solving + memory are all continually exercised by participants. Most tasks of the game are based on probability by the roll of the dice. Dice have ranges from 3 to 20 sides. As info is developed for your character - one's abilities, race, class + alignment - it must be accurately recorded on a character record sheet. All details of capabilities + possessions must be noted. Where equipment + weapons are carried must be listed. Spells known + spells memorized for an adventure have to be kept track of. A running total of experience points must be maintained.
IV.a. Character Abilities
STRength: Measure of muscle, endurance + stamina combined. Major characteristic (prime requisite) of fighters.
INTelligence: Similar to what is known as intelligence quotient, but includes mnemonic ability, reasoning + learning ability outside those measured by written word. Dictates number of languages in which character is able to converse. Prime requisite of magic-users, for they must be perspicacious in order to correctly understand magic + memorize spells.
WISdom: Composite term for character's enlightenment, judgement, wile, will power + (to a certain extent) intuitiveness. Has a certain effect on saving throws against some magical attack modes. Prime requisite of clerics.
DEXterity: Encompasses a number of physical attributes including hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, precision, balance + speed of movement. High dexterity indicates superiority in all of the above attributes, while a low dexterity might well indicate that one of these attributes is actually superior, but that others are very poor. Affects all characters with regard to initiative in attack, projection of missiles from hand or other means + in defensive measures. Prime requisite of thiefs.
CONstitution: Encompasses character's physique, fitness, health + resistance. Affects character's hit dice + chances of surviving such great system shocks as being changed by magic spell or resurrected from the dead.
CHArisma: Measure of character's combined physical attractiveness, persuasiveness + personal magnetism. A generally non-beautiful character can have a very high charisma due to strong measures of other two aspects of charisma. Is important to all characters, as it has an effect on dealings with others, principally non-player characters, mercenary hirelings, prospective retainers + monsters. Absolutely dictates total number of henchmen a character is able to retain. Affects loyalty of all hirelings + retainers. Key to leadership.
IV.b. Character Races
Dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings + humans are most common played races, but players are not limited to them. Players can choose from any race to their liking, i.e. goblin, half-elf, half-orc, hobgoblin, lizard man, orc, orge, troll, etc. Though, most are not described in any player’s handbook.
Dwarves: Dwell in hilly or mountainous regions. Can be a fighter, thief or assassin. It's possible to opt out to work simultaneously in the fighter + thief classes; in the latter event will be limited to armor permitted to a thief when performing any functions of that class. Are non-magical + do not ever use magical spells. This nature gives a bonus in regards to saving throws against attacks by magic wands, staves, rods + spells. Have exceptional constitutional strength with regard to toxic substances, ingested or injected, so there's a bonus to their saving throws. Able to speak the following languages: dwarven, gnome, goblin, kobold + orcish; in addition, they are able to speak the "common tongue" of all humankind. However, except for alignment language, unable to learn more than 2 additional languages regardless of intelligence. Able to see radiation in the infra-red spectrum, so can see up to 60' in the dark noting varying degrees of heat radiation. This ability is known as "infravision". Are miners of great skill, so are able to detect particular phenomenon.
Elves: Are many sorts of elves. High elves are most common. Can be a fighter, magic-user, thief or assassin. Can also be multi-classed. Restrictions apply when multi-classed. Elves have a 90% resistance to sleep + charm spells. All speak their alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll + common tongue. Have infravision (60' in the dark), noting varying heat radiation. Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide. Able to move very silently.
Gnomes: A gnome's preferred habitation is an area of rolling, rocky hills, well-wooded + uninhabited by humans. Can be a fighter, illusionist, thief or assassin. Can also be multi-classed. Similar to their cousins, dwarves, are highly magic resistant. Speak their alignment, common tongue, dwarvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, kobold + communicate with many burrowing mammals (moles, badgers, ground squirrels, etc.). Have infravision (60' in the dark), noting varying heat radiation. Being miners of exceptional merit, able to detect particular phenomenon like dwarves.
Halflings: Very much like small humans, thus their name. Can be a fighter, thief or fighter/thief. Restrictions apply. Have a high resistance to magic spells + poisons. Speak their alignment, common tongue, dwarven, elven, gnome, halfling + orcish. Some have infravision. Mixed breeds see 30' in darkness. Pure Stoutish see up to 60' in darkness. Able to move very silently.
Humans: Are neither given penalties nor bonuses, established as norm upon which these subtractions or additions for racial stock are based. Are not limited as to what class of character they can become, nor do they have any maximum limit of level they can attain within a class. As they are the rule rather than the exception, the basic information given always applies to humans, and racial changes are noted for differences as applicable for non-human or part-human stocks.
IV.c. Character Classes (descriptions, functions + levels)
Character class (or multi-class) refers to profession of the player character. The approach you wish to take to the game, how you believe you can most successfully meet challenges which it poses + which role you desire to play are dictated by character class. Classes unmentioned: Geomancer
Cleric: Principal attribute is wisdom. Bears resemblance to religious orders of knighthood of medieval times. Dedicated to a deity (or deities) + at same time a skilled combatant at arms. Can be of any alignment depending upon that of the deity cleric serves. Have holy symbols that aid them + give power to their spells. Are likewise forbidden to use edged and/or pointed weapons that shed blood. Have own spells, bestowed upon by their deity for correct + diligent prayers + deeds. A study of spells will convey main purpose of cleric. That is, may serve to fortify, protect + revitalize. Also have a limited number of attack spells, some of which are simply the reverse form of curative incantations. Must speak or read spells aloud. Has ability to wear armor, carry effective weaponry + engage in melee combat. Have ability to turn away (or command in service) the undead (ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, liches, mummies, shadows, skeletons, spectres, wights, wraiths, vampires + zombies), less powerful demons + devils. Only humans normally have clericism as their sole class; thus they're the only clerics with unlimited advancement in level. Can employ magic items including most potions; clerical + "protection" scrolls; most rings; some wands, rods + staves; and all non-edged, non-pointed magical weaponry. As they're able to wear armor, can employ all forms of magic armors + shields. When achieving Patriarch or Matriarch level, automatically attracts followers if a place of worship is established. Upon reaching High Priest or Priestess level, has option of constructing a religious stronghold. Level titles of a cleric: acolyte (1), Adept (2), Priest (3), Curate (4), Canon (6), Lama (7), Patriarch (8) + High Priest (9+)
Druid: Cleric sub-class. The only absolute neutrals, viewing good + evil, law + chaos, as balancing forces of nature which're necessary for continuation of all things. As priests of nature, must have a minimum WIS of 12 + CHA of 15. Spells are more attuned to nature + outdoors than are spells of clerics or magic-users. Serve to strengthen, protect + revitalize as does a cleric. More powerful druidic spells, as well as their wider range of weaponry, make up for fact that druids are unable to use any armor or shields other than leather armor + wooden shields (metallic armor spoils their magical powers). Must speak or read spells aloud. Due to their involvment with living, growing things, have no power to turn or control undead, demons or devils. Can be visualized as medieval cousins of what ancient Celtic sect of Druids would've become had it survived the Roman conquest. Hold trees (particularly oak + ash), sun + moon as deities. Mistletoe is the holy symbol of druids. It gives power to their spells. Have an obligation to protect trees + wild plants, crops + lesser extent, their human followers + animals. Will never destroy woodlands or crops no matter what. Avoid slaying wild or domestic animals except for self-preservation + substenance. Have own secret language. Speak it in addition to other tongues (alignment, common + others known). In melee combat, fight as clerics, but suffer somewhat from inability to wear metal armor. Receive a +2 saving throw bonus against fire + lightning (electrical). Can use those magical items not otherwise proscribed which're for all classes + those for regular clerics which're not written, i.e. books + scrolls. As a class don't dwell permanently in castles, or even in cities or towns. Prefer to live in sacred groves, dwelling in sod, log or stone buildings of small size. When attaining a certain level, will generally inhabit building complexes set in woodlands + similar natural surroundings. Level titles of a druid: Aspirant (1); Ovate (2); initiate of 1st Circle (3), 2nd Circle (4), 3rd Circle (5), 4th Circle (6), 5th Circle (7), 6th Circle (8), 7th Circle (9), 8th Circle (10) + 9th Circle (11); Druid (12); Archdruid (13) + Great Druid (14+)
Fighter: a.k.a. Archer, barbarian, cavalier, dragoner, lancer, samurai, soldier, squire, valkyrie or viking. Prime requisite is STR. Must have minimum STR of 9 + CON of 7. Any armor or weapon is usable. May be of any alignment. Can employ many magical items, including potions; "protection" scrolls, rings; few wands; one rod; and all forms of armor, shields + weapons. When attaining Lord level, may establish a freehold; automatically attracting a body of men-at-arms of lower levels. Level titles of a fighter: Veteran (1), Warrior (2), Swordsman (3), Hero (4), Swashbuckler (5), Myrmidon (6), Champion (7), Superhero (8) + Lord (9+)
Paladin: Fighter sub-class, but must begin as lawful good + always remain lawful good or lose all of special powers which are given to them. Have both fighting abilities + limited spells (at high level). Must be human. Have minimum STR of 12, INT of 9, WIS of 13, CON of 9 + CHA of 17. Law + good deeds are the meat + drink of paladins. If knowingly perform an act that is chaotic, must seek a high level cleric of lawful good, confess their sin + willingly do penance as prescribed by cleric. If should ever knowingly + willingly perform an evil act, the status of paladinhood is lost immediately + irrevocably. All benefits are then lost, and no deed or magic can restore character to paladinhood; he/she is everafter a fighter. Benefits of a paladin: detect evil up to 60'; make all saving throws at +2; immunity to all forms of disease; ability to "lay on hands" once per day, either on others, or one's self, to cure wounds; ability to cure disease of any sort; continuing emanation of a "protection of evil" in a 1" radius around paladin; affect undead, demons + devils; call for warhorse that'll magically appear; protect a circle of 1" diameter with a "Holy Sword" unsheathed + held, dispels magic + gain ability to employ cleric spells at certain level. May never retain more than 10 magical items. Will never retain wealth, keeping only sufficient treasure to support themselves in a modest manner, pay henchmen, men-at-arms, servitors + to construct or maintain a small castle. Excess is given away. A tithe (10%) of all income must be given to whatever charitable religious institution (not a clerical player character) of lawful good. Will have henchmen of lawful good + none other. Associate only with characters + creatures of good. Will take service or form an alliance with lawful good characters, whether players or not, who're clerics or fighters (of noble status). Don't attract a body of men-at-arms to service as do regular fighters. Level titles of a paladin: Gallant (1), Keeper (2), Protector (3), Defender (4), Warder (5), Guardian (6), Chevalier (7), Justiciar (8) + Paladin (9+)
Ranger: Fighter sub-class adept at woodcraft, tracking, scouting, infiltration + spying. Must be of good alignment, although they can be lawful, chaotic or neutral. Must have minimum STR of 13, INT of 13, WIS of 14 + CON of 14. Have druidic + magical spells when attaining high level. Have bonus fighting humanoid creatures of "giant" class (bugbear, ettin, giant, gnoll, goblin, hobgoblin, kobold, orge, ogre magi, orc + troll). Surprise opponents 50% of the time and are themselves surprised 16%. Tracking is possible outdoors + underground in dungeons and the like. At high levels, gain limited druidic spells; magic-user spells; employ all non-written magic items which pertain to clairaudience, clairvoyance, ESP + telepathy; and attract body of 2-24 followers. Any change to non-good alignment immediately strips ranger of all benefits, and character becomes fighter everafter. May not hire men-at-arms, servants, aides or henchmen until attaining certain high level. No more than 3 rangers can operate together. May own only those goods + treasure which they carry on one's self and/or place upon their mount; all excess donated to a worthy communal or institutional cause (but not to another player character). Although they don't attract a body of mercenaries to serve them when, and if, constructing strongholds, they conform to fighter class in other respects. Level titles of a ranger: Runner (1), Strider (2), Scout (3), Courser (4), Tracker (5), Guide (6), Pathfinder (7), Ranger (8), Ranger Knight (9), Ranger Lord (10+)
Magic-User: a.k.a. Alchemist, summoner or witch. Prime requisite is INT. Must have minimum INT of 9 + DEX of 6. Draw arcane powers in order to exercise profession. While having mighty spells of offensive, defensive + informational nature, are very weak in combat. Wear no armor + use few weapons. Can be of any alignment. When beginning profession, character usually assumed to possess a strange tome in which having scribed formulae for some of spells known. This spell book, and each book later added (as advancing in levels of ability, a book of spells for each higher level of spells which become usable will have to have been prepared through study + research), must be maintained. Must memorize + prepare for the use of each spell, and its casting makes it necessary to reabsorb the incantation by consulting proper book of spells before it can again be cast. Spells must be spoken or read aloud. Most magic scrolls, wands, staves + many of the miscellaneous items of magic are usable only by this class. Thus, while not strong in combat, are possibly most fearsome of all character classes when high levels of ability are finally attained. Survival to that point can be a problem, as low-level magic-users are weak. When attaining Wizard level, may enchant items or scribe magic scrolls. Process requires undivided attention for long periods of time - weeks to months - and it's costly. As will effectively remove themselves from many adventures while enchanting. As this relative inactivity means not getting experience points + treasure (monetary or magical) gained from adventures which take place during inactive period, it's not usual for a Wizard to manufacture many items or scrolls. Can construct a stronghold at high level. Level titles of magic-user: Prestidigitator (1), Evoker (2), Conjurer (3), Theurgist (4), Thaumaturgist (5), Magician (6), Enchanter (7), Warlock (8), Sorcerer (9), Necromancer (10), Wizard (11-15), Mage (16-17) + Arch-Mage (18+)
Illusionist: Magic-user sub-class. Must have minimum INT of 15 + DEX of 16. While being equal, or even slightly inferior, to normal magic-users in most respects, have different + highly effective spells to employ. Power due to their spells is offset by limitations placed upon magic items used: all potions not restricted to fighters only; illusionist + magic-user scrolls which contain spells usable by illusionists; all rings; rod of cancellation, staff of striking + wands of enemy/magic/metal/mineral/secret door/trap detection, fear, illusion, wonder; miscellaneous magic items usable by every class, crystal balls, all robes (excluding robe of arch-mage) + books and similar written works readable by magic-users; artifacts which're not proscribed items with respect to illusionists (such as armor, swords, axes, etc.); magic daggers. Are capable of manufacturing those magical items that create or sustain illusion. May do so at Illusionist level and above. Level titles of Illusionist: Prestidigitatot (1), Minor Trickster (2), Trickster (3), Master Trickster (4), Cabalist (5), Visionist (6), Phantasmist (7), Apparationist (8), Spellbinder (9) + Illusionist (10+)
Thief: Profession isn't dishonorable, albeit is neither honorable nor highly respected in some quarters. Prime requisite is DEX. Must have minimum DEX of 9. Are neutral or evil, although can be neutral good (rarely) + of lawful or chaotic nature. Most tend towards evil. Principally meant to take by cunning + stealth. Able to wear light (leather armor + use a fair amount of weapons. Although fight only slightly more effectively than do magic-users, are able to use stealth in combat most effectively by backstabbing. Primary functions: picking pockets, opening locks, finding/removing traps, moving slightly + hiding in shadows. Chance for success of any performance is based on ability level. This is modified with respect to picking pockets by experience level of one's victim + by powers of observer with respect to hiding in shadows. Secondary functions: listening at doors to detect sounds, ascending and descending vertical surfaces + backstabbing. Have own language - "Thieves Cant". At Burglar level, able to read 20% of languages which increases by level. Cannot build strongholds. Can build a tower or fortified building of the small castle type for safety; but this construction within, or not more than a mile from, a town or city. When attaining Master Thief level, may use building to setup headquarters for a gang of thieves. However, will bring enmity of local Thieves Guild who'll struggle to do away with rival organization. Once begun, warfare will end only when + if all Master Thieves on either or both sides are dead, or if removes to another locale. Level titles of a thief: Rogue (Apprentice) 1, Footpad (2), Cutpurse (3), Robber (4), Burglar (5), Filcher (6), Sharper (7), Magsman (8), Thief (9) + Master Thief (10+)
Assassin: a.k.a. Ninja. Thief sub-class. Must have minimum STR of 12, INT of 11 + DEX of 12. Are evil (perforce, as killing of humans + other INT life forms for purpose of profit is basically held to be the antithesis of weal). Can be neutral as regards lawful + chaotic evil. Have thieving capabilities + own ability functions. Because using any sort of shield or weapon, are generally superior to thieves in combat. Need not be a member of Assassins Guild of town or city dwelling in, but non-player assassins are members of such guilds. There is one guild in most towns + cities, each control an area of 10 to 100 miles radius around the headquarters. Any discovered in a guild area who is not a member of local guild will be invited to join, thus coming under authority + command of Guildmaster Assassin. Need not join, but will be under sentence of death if performing an assassination while not a guild member. Primary function is killing. May use poison - ingested or insinuated by weapon. Poison ingested must be put into the food or drink, and performing this action must detail exactly when, where + how poisoning will be done. Poisoned weapons used run the risk of being noticed by others. All non-assassin within 10' of the bared weapon have 10% cumulative chance each per melee round of noting poison + attacking and/or calling watch + then attacking. Primary abilities which enhance function are those of being able to speak alignment languages + being able to disguise. Secondary function is spying. This mission can be coupled with stealing some item. Have all abilities + functions of thieves; but, except for backstabbing, perform thieving at 2 levels below their level. Performing an assassination gains experience points - awarded for both fee paid + level of victim. Cannot have hirelings, thieves or any class until attaining certain high levels. In order to gain experience levels above Prime Assassin, must have requisite experience points + then either assassinate local Guildmaster Assassin or challenge to a duel to the death. Likewise, must slay or duel a Grandfather of Assassins to have that status. Note: duplicity, trickery, ambush + all forms of trickery are considered as fair. As Guildmaster, will have a body of members numbering between 7-28. Headquarters is always within a large town or city. It must not be noticeable. Typically a warehouse or other nondescript structure, with safeguards + traps added. This avoids attention + unwanted notoriety. Headquarters of the Grandfather of Assassins can be virtually anywhere + of any form (cavern, castle, monastery, palace, temple, etc.). However, if it's a large + obvious place, must be located well away from all communities - such as in midst of murky woods, a dissmal marsh or fen, a lonely moor, a deserted island, a remote coast or far into hills or atop a mountain. Level titles of an assassin: Bravo (Apprentice) 1, Rutterkin (2), Waghalter (3), Murderer (4), Thug (5), Killer (6), Cutthroat (7), Executioner (8), Assassin (9), Expert (10), Senior (11), Chief (12), Prime (13), Guildmaster (14) + Grandfather of Assassins (15)
Monk: Hard to qualify + most deadly. Must have minimum STR of 15, WIS of 15, DEX of 15 + CON of 11. Are monastic aesthetics who practice rigorous mental + physical training + discipline in order to become superior. Must always be lawful, although can be evil, good or neutral with respect to approach to lawfulness. Has good selection of weaponry. Losing lawful alignment loses all monk abilities + must begin again 1st level. Have no spell ability, cannot wear armor or use a shield + not even flaming oil is usable. Has a chance to stun or kill an opponent with open hand combat. Has most abilities of a thief + some clerical-type abilities. At high level, attain multiple attacks when fighting open hand. Have following thief abilities that perform at identical level of experience as of a thief: find/remove traps, move silently, hide in shadows, hear noise + climb walls. At high levels, can escape taking damage at certain heights while climbing walls. Similar to a paladin, may not retain more than a small fraction of whatever treasure they gain. May possess no more than 2 magic weapons + 3 other magic items at any time. Until attaining Master level, may not have any hirelings or henchmen at all. Level titles of a monk: Novice (1); Initiate (2); Brother (3); Disciple (4); Immaculate (5); Master (6); Superior Master (7); Master of Dragons (8), the North Wind (9), the West Wind (10), the South Wind (11), the East Wind (12), Winter (13), Autumn (14), Summer (15), Spring (16); and Grandmaster of Flowers (17)
Bard: Must have minimum of 15 in STR, WIS, DEX + CHA. Minimum INT of 12 + CON of 10. Must be human or Half-Elf. Begin as fighters until achieving high level which change to thief occurs. As thief, begin clerical studies as druids; but are actually bards and under druidical tutelage. Must fulfill requirements in all above classes before progressing to bard. Must always remain neutral, but can be chaotic, evil, good or lawful neutral. Colleges: Probationer (1), Fochlucan (2-4), Mac-Fuirmidh (5-7), Doss (8-10), Canaith (11-13), Cli (14-16), Anstruth (17-19), Ollamh (20-22) + Magna Alumnae (23). College is important distinction to a bard, will not associate with a bard of a lesser college. An exception is Magna Alumnae. Always engages in combat at level attained as a fighter. Function as a thief of level previously attained. Must always have a stringed instrument. Poetic ability raises morale of associated creatures by 10%. Likewise can inspire ferocity in attack, so hit probability rises. Singing + playing negates song effects of harpies + prevents similar attacks which rely upon song. Also, has chance of charming most creatures. Due to training, has knowledge of many legendary + magical items. Are able to use magical items which're permitted to druids, fighters + thieves. Magical books/librams/tomes which pertain to druids, fighter + thieves are also beneficial (or baneful), and these items can raise fighting or thieving ability beyond norm. Level titles of bard: Rhymer (1), Lyrist (2), Sonnateer (3), Skald (4), Racaraide (5), Joungleur (6), Troubador (7), Minstrel (8), Muse (9), Lorist (10), Bard (11) + Master Bard (12-23)
IV.d. Alignment
Chaotic Evil: Major precepts are freedom, randomness + woe. Laws + order, kindness + good deeds are disdained. Life has no value. Hope to bring themselves to positions of power, glory + prestige in a system ruled by individual caprice + their own whims.
Chaotic Good: Freedom + randomness of action are ultimate truths, likewise place value on life + welfare of each individual. Respect for individualism is also great. Seek to spread values throughout the world.
Chaotic Neutral: Above respect for life + good, or disregard for life + promotion of evil, place randomness + disorder. Good + evil are complimentary balance arms. Neither preferred, nor must either prevail, for ultimate chaos would then suffer.
Lawful Evil: Great respecters of laws + strict order, but life, beauty, truth, freedom + the like are held as valueless, or at least scorned. By adhering to stringent discipline, hope to impose their yoke upon the world.
Lawful Good: While as strict in prosecution of law + order, follow these precepts to improve common weal. Certain freedoms must, of course, be sacrificed in order to bring order; but truth is of highest value, and life + beauty of great importance. Benefits of this society are to be brought to all.
Lawful Neutral: Regulation is all-important, taking a middle road between evil + good. Because ultimate harmony of the world - and of the universe - is considered to have its sole hope reest upon law + order. Evil or good are immaterial beside determined purpose of bringing all to predictability + regulation.
Neutral Evil: Law + chaos are unnecessary considerations, for pure evil is all-in-all. Either might be used, but both are disdained as foolish clutter useless in eventually bringing maximum evilness to the world.
Neutral Good: Must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to brought to the world - most beneficial conditions for living things in general + intelligent creatures in particular.
True Neutral: Other alignments are facets of the system of things. Thus, each aspect - evil + good, chaos + law - of things must be retained in balance to maintain status quo; for things as they cannot be improved upon except temporarily, and even then but superficially. Nature will prevail + keep things as they were meant to be, provided the "wheel" surrounding the hub of nature doesn't become unbalanced due to the work of unnatural forces - such as human + other intelligent creatures interfering with what is meant to be.
IV.e. Psionics
Psionics are powers derived from the brain, and enable characters so endowed to perform in ways that resemble magical abilities. Characters with one or more modified INT, WIS or CHA ability scores of 16 or more might have psionic ability. A dice roll using percentile dice determines whether or not this ability is possessed. Powers include attack + defensive modes, and disciplines (magic-like powers).
Attack Modes
A. Psionic Blast: Much like "stunning news" to the mind. A cone-shaped brain wave of force 1/2" diameter at its source + 2" diameter at its terminus (6" distance).
B. Mind Thrust: A stabbing attack seeking to short synapses of defender. Is individual.
C. Ego Whip: Attacks ego, either by feelings of inferiority + worthlessness or by superiority + megalomania. Affects but a single creature.
D. Id Insinuation: Seeks to loose the uncontrolled subconscious mind of defender, pitting it against super-ego. Affects all psionically aware creatures in a 2" sq. area.
E. Psychic Crush: Massive assault upon all neurons in brain, attempting to destroy all by a massive overload of signals. Affects one defender.
Defensive Modes
F. Mind Blank: Attempts to hide mind from attack, making its parts unidentifiable.
G. Thought Shield: Cloaks mind so as to hide first one part, then another. Can be kept up at all times, unlike others.
H. Mental Barrier: A built thought repetition wall that exposes only that small area.
I. Intellect Fortress: Defense which calls forth powers of ego + super-ego to stop attacks.
J. Tower of Iron Will: Relies upon super-ego to build an unassailable haven for brain.
Psionic Disciplines
Minor Devotions Major Devotions IV.f. Known Planes of Existence
There exist an infinite number of parallel universes + planes of existence.
Inner Planes 1-8: Outer Planes 9-25: Ethereal Travel
Can achieve ethereal state by various means which include magical ointments (oil of etherealness), magical items, spells + psionic discipline. All movement + travel is subject to certain hazards. Some monsters are able to function partially in this plane. Worst is the ether cyclone, a strong moving force that can cause individual to enter a different world or plane or become lost in the ether for many days when it blows across stretches of this multi-plane. Travel is tireless + rapid. Need no food, drink, rest or sleep.
Astral Travel
Possible by spells + psionic discipline. Travel is dangerous due to functioning or presence of monsters. The psychic wind is most dangerous, it can either blow traveler about so as to cause one to become lost (thus becoming to some undesired world or plane or be out of touch for many days) or snap silver cord + kill individual irrevocably. Movement is speedy.
Ethereal + Astral Combat
Possible to cast spells, melee, etc. on either. These activities affect only others on same plane, but can affect other creatures that exist partially or function on either of both planes. Certain magic weapons will remain magical in either, but some won't. Only very powerful creatures (demon princes, arch devils, godlings, gods, etc.) can do more than destroy astral body, causing silver cord to return to material body + preventing further astral travel for a period of time. Very powerful beings might be able to snap silver cord, thus killing astral + material bodies simultaneously. Ethereal combat damage is actual damage. All is lost if material body is destroyed while astral body is in that plane.
V. Download
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