An American Hero! LTC James Wayne Gates
POW/MIA since 6 APR 1966
An American Hero!
Name: James Wayne Gates
Rank/Branch: O5/US Army
Serial Number: 728122342
Unit: 20th Aviation Detachment
Date of Birth: 30 December 1933
Place of Birth: Bonita, Louisiana
Home of Record: Mer Rouge, Louisiana
Maritial Status: Married
Date of Loss: 06 April 1966
Country of Loss: Laos
Loss Coordinates: 161819N 1064116E (XD803033)
Status (in 1973): Missing In Action - CATEGORY 1
Status (28 OCT 1977): (A3) Hostile, died while missing
Location on the Wall: Panel 06E - Row 089
Acft/Vehicle/Ground: OV1A Mowhawk
Other Personnel In Incident: John W. Lafayette (MIA); Harry Duensing; Larry Johnson (on another OV1 - both rescued)
What happened to LTC. James W. Gates? Project X Update - April 1976
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All Biographical and loss information on Vietnam Era POW/MIA's provided by Operation Just Cause have been supplied by Chuck and Mary Schantag of POW/NET. Please check with POW/NET regularly for updates

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