3 Westland Seaking AEW 2

Seaking AEW 2

Seaking AEW 2 in flight

Seaking AEW

The Royal Navy lost its airborne early warning capability when the Gannet AEW3 retired with HMS Ark Royal in 1979. The need for a replacement became obvious during the 1982 Falklands War with the fleet unable to see past the radar horizon and therefore direct fighters against incoming enemy aircraft. A helicopter was the only possible AEW platform that could fly from the Invincible class carriers so two Sea King HAS2s were hurriedly modified with an adapted June 20, 2007 3:37 PM, as used in the RAFJune 20, 2007 3:37 PM AEW2A, were not ready in time to take part in the war but were a success, although not as capable as a fixed wing AEW platform. The first two were followed by a further 8 conversions which went into squadron service in 1985, with a flight of three from the reformed 849 NAS. on each of the two active carriers.
Work is currently underway to convert the AEW2A Sea Kings to AEW7 standard with improved avionics. The AEW Sea King is likely to eventually be replaced with an AEW version of the Merlin helicopter.
The Westland Sea King is a licence built version of the US SH-3D, mixing the Sikorsky airframe with British engines and avionics. The first prototype HAS1 flew on 7 May 1969 and entered service in August that year. 824 NAS. became the first front line operators of the HAS1 in February 1970. By the mid 1970's the Sea King was becoming the RN's main ASW helicopter, due to both its range and stores capacity. An upgraded version, the HAS2, was delivered from June 1976 onwards. Later a troop carrying version was added to the inventory, the HC4, which can carry up to 28 troops with a door mounted 7.62mm GPMG. A small number of HAS2s were modified for Airborne Early Warning (see below).

More recently the ASW Sea King has seen further upgrades, first to HAS5 in the 1980's, and now to HAS6 standard, with various avionics improvements. Some Mk.5s are configured for search & rescue, designated HAR5. The Sea King will eventually be replaced by the EH-101 Merlin but SAR versions are likely to serve well into the next century.

Over 100 Sea Kings have been delivered to the RN, including replacements for losses during the Falklands War.

Dimensions: Rotor diameter 18.9 m (62ft) ; Length 16.69 m (54ft 9in) ; Height 5.2 m (17ft 2in) ; Rotor Disc Area 280.55 sq.m (3,019.84 sq.ft)
Weights: Maximum Take-off 9707 kg (21,400 lb)
Powerplant: two Rolls Royce Gnome (Mks. 1 & 2 H1400-1, Mk. 4 onwards H1400-2) free power turbines - 1193 kW (1,600 shp) maximum power each.
Performance: Maximum cruising speed 144 mph (232 kph, 125 kt)
Avionics: Sea Searcher radar ; Type 2069 variable depth sonar with AQS-902 passive sonarbuoy analyser ; 'Orange Crop' ESM.
Armament: HAS: 4 lightweight torpedoes or depth charges ; optional door mounted 7.62 mm GPMG. HC: door mounted 7.62 mm GPMG. SAR: none
As HAS2 except:
Avionics: Thorn/EMI Searchwater Radar ; 'Orange Crop' ESM.
Armament: none

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10 Sea King AEW2As were converted from HAS2s, 9 of which will be converted to AEW7 standard.

Seaking from below
Seaking on display

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November 16, 2006 11:33 AM