Project1 Noah Bastian

last updated: 3.11, 2000,fri 10.28 PM EST

What is project1??
Here at Adoring Noah Bastian <<<<, we've been asked to host a project.
The project? What is it you ask? (LOL Can I get ANY more corny?)
To get a HUGE amount of
     -fan letters, 
     -fan art, 
     -(anything about 2ge+her or just Noah himself), 
     -and/or pics of them (the fans) doing stuff or standing by stuff that has to do with 2gether

Who knows?! Maybe here at we'll host some of the artwork or whatever you guys submit!

If you'd like to participate and help out and submit things, please don't hesitate to send an e-mail to and CC me, the webmiss, Liz at:

Found an error, broken link, something wrong? Or just want to add something? Let me know - drop a line!


Preferred viewing: Netscape Navigator 4.0+
This webpage concept was created from my own mind; everything ©opyright me unless otherwise specified.
We are in no way affiliated, related or know anybody who remotely knows Noah Bastian.