Super Soakers

reviews tech homemades things

Much more coming soon!!! (large homemade section planned)


9/25/06 ;)

5/7/06 I'm still alive, if you've been wondering. Sorry about the lack of updates, but I promise a bunch of updates once school gets out!

3/24/06 Expect an update soon. I got another soaker, which will be reviewed, and I will put the new layout on that page as well as this page. The new layout should be up on all pages by the end of the month.

3/11/06 Took the (malfunctional) counter off the main page. I have an entirely new design ready for the next update. I don't have time to put it up now, but I'll get around to it.

1/26/06 Took all 2005 news off the main page. It can be found on the news page, as linked below. Also moved the counter to the bottom of the page.

Older News

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Inaccuracies? Bad spelling/grammar?

Contact me at: