Enclosed is a tear of the Mother of God from her Myrrh-weeping Icon. We know that this will bring great blessings in your life. You will notice the other-worldly fragrance of the holy tear.

Many people have used this to anoint the sick and those troubled of mind or spirit. Simply anoint in the form of a Cross saying, "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, through the intercessions of the Mother of God, be healed." Often it helps if the person being anointed is looking at a picture of the Weeping Icon.

There have been thousands of reports of miraculous occurrences in connection with the Icon. Please write to us and let us know who was anointed with the blessed tear and report the results. Everyone receives some kind of healing. For many it is peace of mind, which may be an even greater gift than healing of the physical malady which may have been the reason for the anointing in the first place.

Please report all prayers answered and miracles granted by God through the intercessions of the Mother of God in her Holy Icon.

Christ of the Hills Monastery
New Sarov
Blanco, Texas 78606-1049

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