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Making "Sense" Of It ...
© by Bob Macchia

For people who are blind,
they see things in a different way.
Although they cannot visually see,
Their mind's sight is their light of day.

If we could not visualize all around us,
Can we imagine not being able to see?
One of the most important of our senses,
without it, then where would we be?

We could hear or feel our way,
Our taste can help us too.
Or our smell could tell us more,
without sight what would we do?

Without being able to see,
Would be difficult for us.
But since we have our sight,
If without it, only in God we'd trust.

They say that God sharpens us,
In our other senses if one is not there.
If we could not see, or hear,
Other senses would be the answer to our prayer.

By: BobEmaKK@aol.com
All rights reserved, (C)1995-2000

Dedicated to my poetic friend, Rosemary Yasparro, who is blind.
May God sharpen her other senses so that she may
"see" the world in other ways.


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