My Story
When I was living in Houston, Tx I had my first ghostly encounter.  I was around 6 or 7 years old at the time, so of course the experience was very frightening… and thoroughly confusing. 
To this day I still remember that night fairly vividly.  I was in my bed, unable to sleep. I was lying on my right side when I decided to lie on my back. When I switched positions, I saw a ghost kneeling at the end of the bed. He was looking down as he smoothed out the covers. He was actually very immersed in such a tedious task! He was dressed in medieval clothing, although at the time all I knew was that he didn't look or dress like men of today and that he had weird hair for a man! Lol! Amidst my fear of seeing a ghost, I remember thinking that his hair was very “girly” for a male.  (Pageboy hairstyle).  His hair was VERY blonde and his clothes were VERY fancy.  I remember his jerkin as being burgundy.  It had vertical stitching, and it ‘puffed out’ a bit between sections. I think he might have had on a cape as well, but I don’t know for sure as it was dark in the room and I was pretty frightened.  For a long while I watched him concentrating on smoothing out the covers from one end of the bed to the other.  When he was on my side… well, the middle of the bed actually as my sister and I slept in the same bed and I was always sleeping smack-dab next to my sister while holding her hand. 
(Yes, it drove my sister crazy but she tolerated it well). So he was smoothing the covers when suddenly he looked up.  He froze and silently stared straight back at me, which terrified me even more because his eyes started glowing.  They glowed a very bright white light.  Like a light encased inside a fog. I’ve always thought that unusual for a spirit, but I’ve been told that that’s normal. He looked very solid, like us, except for those eyes. Someone told me once that they see that in spirits all the time and call it “love light.” They say the light intensifies with their emotions. I really don’t think he meant for me to see him and didn’t want to scare me – and so he froze. In fact, I think that I scared him!
A few years ago my aunt tried contacting my ghost. It took her a while to get a name from him. He finally told her that his name was “Patrick.” A few years later a psychic told me that his name was "Patrick" as well.
After 24 years, the mystery of his name is solved!!!!
Another interesting thing is that my aunt said that Patrick said something about losing children. The psychic told me the same thing! That he had lost his children, or something like that.
Another funny coincidence is that while my aunt was contacting him, she pulled the sun card just as I was telling her that in my dream he was riding a white horse. The sun card in my aunt's tarot deck had a white horse on it! She said she had pulled that card the very second I mentioned the horse.

What I find really odd is that one of my evp's sounds like my mother, who is saying--
"Who's Patrick?" This evp was recorded in the year 2000 and it wasn't until 2004 that I discovered this evp. Furthermore, it wasn't until 2003 (and confirmed a year later), that I found out the ghost/knight’s name.
Another strange thing is that I had an evp that said – “I miss you, my lady. My Becky.” I kept this a secret for days b/c I wanted to be certain that’s what it was saying. Then one day I stumbled into an old journal entry where my sister said she thought my name in that life was some Gaelic or Celtic form of “Becky.” Now, this was BEFORE I even captured the evp. I had originally brushed her thought aside at the time b/c I found “Becky” to be Hebrew. But then someone directed me to a Names website, which said Becky was on the top 100 Celtic names list of the Renaissance. Unfortunately, I think I've destroyed the 'Becky' evp due to my constant playback in trying to decipher it!

(Note: 2 other people believe my name was something like “Annabelle.” The evening my
Before I learned his name, I always referred to him as “the knight.”  I do think it’s a little funny that I took a personality test once, which said I was an INFJ; which they call “The Knight.” Also, my niece and nephew’s school mascot was a Knight and while growing up I was infatuated with singer Jordan Knight. Lol! And since we moved I now work at two schools whose mascots are "The Knights" and "The Highlanders."  (I love anything Scottish and suspect Patrick might have a Scotland connection somewhere).
A few Dreams
friend told me she thought "Annabelle" was my PL name, "You've got Mail" was on tv.  As I was walking upstairs, I heard Tom Hanks shout- "Hello Annabelle!" Lol!)