pnegn.jpg (38839 bytes)    Passion   pnegn.jpg (38839 bytes)

A flame within

Burning ever brighter

Cutting through my soul

Flames rising ever higher

Eyelids cascade down

Burning the sight within

A tear escapes

As the soul gives in

A heart beats ever faster

At a fleeting caress

Hot breath on quivering lips

A sigh escaping from its rest

Passion courses blistering hot

Skin blushing with loves' hue

Limbs entangling and entwining

Glimmering with loves' dew

Passion's flames lick hotter and higher

Quenching its thirst

Two souls becoming one

Hearts ready to burst

At last Passion finds its release

Lips breathing warm sighs

Eyes fluttering open

As Passion softly cries




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