Last updated 3/17/04

B i s m i l l a h

The Islamic Page For Kids!

Assalamu alaikum from Sister Mahira!

Welcome to one of the first Islamic web sites just for KIDS !
Please come back often and visit, and see how it grows Inshallah!

Bismillah means "In the name of Allah." Whenever we begin something we should always say (click here) Bismillah:

Performing Wudu
Doing Homework
Getting in a Car
Riding a Bike
. . . Can you think of other examples?

L@@K! An easy translation of the Quran that even kids can understand! Click here:
My own review and opinions of this site coming soon!

What if . . . ? (something to think about)

Open These Doors to My Pages:

The Five Pillars of Islam

Living as Muslims in America

Your Parents

What Does Your Name Mean?

Great Stories

Parents' Page!

Links to Other Web Pages for Kids

My guestbook is back! PLEASE sign in!

Take a look at my guestbook!

(View my old guestbook November - December 2000)

This web site is dedicated to ALLAH Subhana-Hu wa Ta'ala.
(Anything good I have contributed here has come from Allah, and any mistakes I have made are my own.)

My site has also been created in honor of the kids at the Madrassa (Islamic Weekend School) in Belleville, Illinois - Alhamdulillah.
If you have any great ideas or related links to add to my site Inshallah, please feel free to e-mail me!

© 1998

You are visitor number Counter since September 29, 1998! Mashallah!

* * * * * AND NOW THE ADS BEGIN! :-) * * * * *

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