Caption Contest
Ok! What you do is think of the funniest caption for this picture. To vote, just click on the name of the person you thought made the funniest caption and which ever one gets the most votes wins! ^.^
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My caption-
Rumple: Mungo, don't look!
Mungo: Don't worry, luv.. i'm not..

Stargazer's caption-
Rumple: mhmm, yeah, sure, keep going.. I understand.. (what did he
say? i don't understand..)
Mungo: there's no place like home, there's no place like home..

Exotica's Caption-
Mungo, do you have something in your eyes?
Mungo: Yes, darling, sleepiness...
Rumple: Why must you think of sleeping when the whole world could be watching
Mungo: Put it this way, Teaze, on the other side of the world, people ARE
Rumple: Oh...Okay, then! Go on with your napping!
Mungo: Naa...I'm not tired anymore.
Rumple: Then open your eyes, humble prince!
Mungo: No...You see, I can't...
Rumple: Mungo...You really weren't sleepy, were you...?
Mungo: Uh...No...?
Rumple: Right. No. Mungo...Did you get your contact lenses stuck again?
Mungo: Please, luv, it's already embarrasing as it is...

Elora's Caption-
Teazer: Hey, Jerrie...Whoi d'ya think everyone's starin' at me?

Jerrie: *embarrassed* Oi think it's yer eyebrows, luv!

Shadow Wolf's Caption-
Rumple:..And then the little elevator takes the grain to the top of
the silo..




Shadow Wolf