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U.C.L.A.     M.A./Ph.D.  Transcripts  of  Miriam Claude MEIJER

Fall 1980 Quarter
HIST 201DEarly Modern Europe: Savoy 16th-18th Centuries
HIST 225Modern European History: Historiography
Winter 1981 Quarter
HIST 130BThe Netherlands 1609-1795
HIST 201DEarly Modern Europe: Readings in 16th-C. Europe
Spring 1981 Quarter
HIST 126CEurope Cultural and Intellectual History: 18th Century
HIST 136CUrban Society
Fall 1981 Quarter
HIST 201DEarly Modern Europe:
International Relations in Early Modern Europe
HIST 596Directed Studies
Winter 1983 Quarter
HIST 201EThe Life Sciences and Social Thought: Late Enlightenment
HIST 229BEarly Modern Europe: Age of Louis XIV in France
Spring 1983 Quarter
HIST 229BEarly Modern Europe: Age of Louis XIV in France
Fall 1983 Quarter
HIST 201EAnthropology and History

Master's Thesis

[G. de Buffon (1707-1788)] [P. Camper (1722-1789)] [L.-J.-M. Daubenton (1716-1800)] [Enlightenment Anthropology]
[Orang-Utang Graphics] [18th-Century Concepts] [17th-Century New France] [Translations]
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Miriam Claude Meijer, Ph.D.