The Butterfly Will Show You the Map! Follow the Butterfly!
Like a lot of people, I collect things. And for whatever reason, I have this HUGE thing for the "dollz" found almost everywhere. I even make some of my own; unfortunately, these have almost all been lost. This is a page of my Doll collections. All Dolls that are not my own work or from forgotten locations are linked back to their creators or dollmakers.
Centauri, Guardian of Natural Phenomena
Demiteria, Guardian of Honesty and Purity
These Guardians each mean something special to me. Especially Cindine, who is in memory of my friend Amy Mariette. She was my friend, my sister, and my teacher all at once.
You shall never be forgotten.
Cindine, Guardian of Twins and In Memory of Amy Mariette
Hesper, Guardian of Midnight and the Stars
"There are many different things out there to be learned, and I don't want to miss out on any of them!"
-Amy Mariette
Ophelia, Guardian of Innocence
I'm not going to be one of those people who gripe about "don't steal my creations" because that inevitably happens anyway, and when you tell someone you created it, they seldom believe you.
Mandy, outfit #1. Linked to her dollmaker.
Mandy, outfit #2. Linked to her dollmaker.