The Big Question:
That's kind of a loaded question. A good thing to do would be make it more specific.
For example, why do we observe time by clocks? Or why is it some people hate books?
Or what some of you are wondering: Why did I make this website?
Most of you probably don't care, but I'll tell you anyway. It's not like I can make you read it.
The Short Answer:
I got bored and slightly inspired and mildly curious one Friday afternoon, and I made a website.
The Long Answer:
I got bored and slightly inspired and mildly curious one Friday afternoon, and I made a website.
I also thought, heck, why not take the time to get MY views on the world out there?
Why not learn something new, and perhaps teach someone else something at the same time?
Why not add something not filled with sex and violence to the world wide web?
Why not make someone think, even if just for a moment?
Why sit in front of the computer wasting time when you could be creating something useful?
The Best Answer:
Why not?
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