

I don't get to chat all that often, most of the time. But, I do get out every once in a while. I greatly enjoy it, but you probably won't recognize me unless you've chatted with me alread or I give myself away. I almost never use Mannon as my handle. Usually I just think of whatever applies given my mood. Sometimes I go out on a limb in the chat rooms, and really have fun.

A lot of good things have come out of chat rooms for me. I've met most of my netfriends in them, and I keep in touch with other friends in them as well. I especially have a lot of fun with one of my special friends when me and her use our somewhat morbid talents. *wicked grin* Sorry, that's all I'm gonna tell ya. If you don't know alread, then you don't need to.

Oh, one last thing... Yes, the most special thing I've gotten out of a chat room yet, is meeting Sabrina. Thankyou...

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