My Dark Side

Okay... I admit it. I can indeed be pretty morbid. But, what would you expect from someone who's favorite poet and author is Edgar Allen Poe? I would expect nothing less. Such things can be seductive and compelling, but they can also be terribly enlightening. Being ignorant of evil empowers it to destroy you. Ignorance my be bliss, but knowledge is power, and virtue. I want to say right now that I do not condone any evil act. But, I am compelled to learn all I can. I will learn of evil as well as good. Even, though I shall not partake of evil. Any less is foolish. I am amused by those who think that by avoiding evil they protect themselves from it, when in truth their ignorance of what is evil strengthens its hold upon them.

Perhaps this is why I avoid organized services, and doctrines. I, personally, do believe in God. And, I worship him in my own way. But I have found no church that did not either have a blind fold on, or wish to put one on me. I can understand many reasons for such things, but I will not adhear by doctrine I believe is detrimental. I've simply decided that I'm a very strange person, and I need to do it my own way.

Darkness has its own allure, and the mistyreous Vampyre is part of it. They are the embodyment of the so called supernatural. But, are they evil? Do they exist? And, if so... what are they like!? If indeed they do exist it is probably only they who could answere such questions. It may be that we will never know, but I believe the persute of knowlege to be as true a rightous act as any. In fact... truth is the most sacred thing. To know the truth is the greatest endeavor. It is something that can be passed down many generations. It is something we should never take for granted.

To learn is the second greatest act that can be accomplished... To teach is the first.

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