Friends & Family

I really charish my friends and family. They are the people that make life worth living. They support me in my times of need. I list friends and family together becasue my friends are part of my family to me. But, not all family may be friends. Right? Nope! Supposed family members who are not friendly are just reletives. Friends and family are a huge piece of my life, and nobody gets there on accident! I choose who goes where. I get to decide who is close enough to be honored as such. I don't mean that it is a particular honor to be my friend. Personally, I think it is an honor to be anybody's friend. Friendship is based on honor, and love.. Honor is based on honesty, and respect. And, love has no bases at all. It is its own alpha and omega. Love is the method and the purpous of friendship.

Yes, I love all my friends. To put it frankly: those whom I do not love are merely aquaintances. By there standards I may be a friend, but I have more strengent standards for the technical use of that particular word. I also have few friends. Perhaps that is why I cherish them so much. That, and the fact that they are all very special people. ; )

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