What's Miscellaneous? Well, duh! It's basically a bunch of stuff I didn't have a better place to put. Several links to several things. I've got movie links and personal ones, and more. You never know what I'll put in her, or what I'll take out to put in a real catagory. So far, (for example) I don't have a movies catagory, cause I don't have enough links. In fact I probably won't have enough links until I do some original material on something. This is not a link/surfer site. It's about showing you some things I like or am proud of. (Whether you like them or not to be honest. *l*) So, links take a very low priority. I've just got a few to show some, (very few) of my interests. This should be one of the more dynamic, but less rapidly changing pages on my site. *shrug* Hey... that's the breaks, man. *s*

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