Robert Hui

Praying Mantis Shifu

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

Shifu Robert Hui began his gong fu training in 1972 under the late shifu Chow Fu of Southern Dragon and Bai Mei Quan styles.
While he was studying in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1983, shifu Robert Hui met his mentor, shifu Fok Wai Lok, who introduced the art of Tai Ji Tang Lang Quan to him.
Shifu Rober Hui then returned to Hong Kong to study under shifu Zhao Zhu Xi from 1987 to 1991.
Currently, shifu Robert Hui is researching and teaching Tai Ji Tang Lang Quan in Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.

Page Updated: 1st May 2003.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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