Manufactured Angel

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Wednesday, April 4th

Alright, folks, you ppl are gettin special or somethin...Anyways, a whole lotta line art went up b/c I haven't gotten the chance to ink and color any of it yet. First, an elf which is going to be an inking and coloring study, to help me get back in the swing of real media. Next, Eloya and Towen the other two Fates. And last, Hades and the Furies who come from the same story as the Fates. Joy and rapture, ne? Bye!

Wednesday, March 26th

OMG, twice in ONE MONTH! I tell you guys, I'm gettin all creative and...such. Anywho, just one tonight, but it's all monumental. Rue is finished! Be happy! Background time now... *dies* bedtime, folks! Nini!

Thursday, March 13

Weeee! Update-y-ness! Kick ass. Anywho, some piccies for you. First, we gots Rue CG'd 1 and then Rue CG'd 2 and, oh, how about some Rue Cg'd 3. And just so you don't think I'm obsessing over my CG or anything crazy like that, we have some Saioj and some Fates. I was hoping to get some pieces of stories and a couple poems up, but alas, no time tonight. There's always tomorrow night!...or a month from's all the same.... ^^;; nini, guys!

Sunday, December 1st

YAY! Update! And all i have for you is one measly picture of myself. That's in ebony pencil and is an art project. S'about 15 hours of work. I'm thinking of putting yet MORE sections intot he site and dividing my original art into colored and b&w. Eh, some weekend when I'm bored (as in, NOT next weekend!) And now it's bedtime! FUUUUN!

Saturday, November 9th

Whew, fun, an update. Yea. Sooo, we gots acrylic painting one and acrylic painting two up today. Arent' they And then, we have a map of the Seven's world for your veiwing pleasure. And the technology expert of the future, Livewire. And then, of course, last but most CERTAINLY not least, as it's the sexiest one, War, who wouldn't go away until I drew him. So, happy day. I think that's it...tootles!

Sunday, November 3rd

Woot, look! A story! Yea, that's the 3rd instalment of the Seven, up here while it goes through the moderation process on EW. Hope you all like! See ya!

Thursday, October 31st

Oooo, look, Happy Halloween! Anyways, yea. Did some updating on the page on the 25th, (technically the 26th, but I was on a long weekend, and I forgot what the day was, and I REFUSE to go back and change all my "Last Modified" dates....which I put up, btw, so you know what went up when) and forgot to put an update here. Oops. Anyways, last time I did some organizing, created a Character Page and linked that mass character portrait to the brand spanking new Mass Character Portrait section, in the Characters section. This time, only two new ones, which happen to be a early birthday present for Elly. (wow, a whole 2 days early...) I'm proud. In case you can't tell, it's a tiger-shark merdude. I blew the three inches of dust off my b&w pencil set, and that's the result. Aaaand, then the one for Neko, which I already gave to her. And you need to look at both, or I will STAB YOU! I am not kidding you. Elly's is about 5 hours of work, and Neko's is 25 hours of work. So go look at them. Now. Alright, shower time! Byyyyyeeee!

Saturday, October 5th

My free time is....dead. To give it real credit. I want to make a new section in my artwork, and I want to start puting up chara profiles, and I can't. Cuz i have no time. So all I can give you is a mass character portrait for one of my stories in progress. This is the first stage, just to show all you ppl that I do not just sit down and draw what ends up on my page. I do lotsa crap first. And it's not linked anywhere, cuz I don't have time to. And the story is Fire Line, part of it's in my shelf. And I want to mass portraits for all my stories in progress, b/c I like torturing my self. Anyways, enjoy. I'll try and put up each stage, and get on those other sections when i can. Nini!

Sunday, September 22nd

Okies, wow, one new picture. See? Exciting. Ok, i go now.

Friday, September 13th

Hmmm....Friday the 13th....I'm not all that suspiciuous (13 is my favorite number) but I had an essay test and two quizes today....
Anyways, yes, i updated yet again. I finally put up that poem I've been promising some of my closer friends for weeks. It's long, beware. Also, two new original art pieces, a wierd one and a portrait of Cierco. Goody. Okies, i'm gonna go chat now. Cuz i can. And cuz I like to. So there.

Thursday, September 12th

Funny how long it took for that monster update to finally come around, eh? Anyways, I put up a couple new categories, and some doodles, and a comic which thoroughly expresses how i feel right now. Some new original art, also. Poetry and Pieces of Stories coming soon, ran out of time tonight. Anyways, seeing as my head hurt before I stared this and I now have a collosal headache and my eyes don't focus right, bed. Bed is good. Nini...

Monday, August 26th, later in the day

Ok, guys, the site is as far up as it's going to get for a while, i think. I added a story and a lot of pictures, plus some links and a copyright. I leave tomorrow for my grandma's house. I get back on Sunday and school starts Tuesday, so chances are there won't be any updates for a while. In the mean time, browse around the site and e-mail me with questions. If I get enough questions, I'll start an FAQ section. And I'll think about starting a character section while I'm gone, to help you people keep all my characters straight. (currently, I have something like 8 stories started, only some of which are actually available to the public) KK, gotta go!

Monday, August 26th

My name is Katie, but I'm more often called Kitty. I'm quite thrilled with how this site has come out so far, but I'm essentially HTML illiterate, so forgive me if updates and such are slow in coming and infrequent. I have some art up, more to come in the future. Please don't steal, guys. I've worked really hard to get as far as I am.
I have absolutely no dillusions about updating regularily. Why? Because I'm not stupid. I know I like to procrastinate and I am going to lose most, if not all, free time when i go back to school. In a week and a day. Anyways, enjoy the site, and I hope you like it!

Everything on this site, Manufactured Angel, including all pictures, all stories, all characters and all designs are copyright 2002 to Kitty Gromowski unless explicit and documented (I'll take care of that, if you ask) permission is given for them to be used. Do not copy/edit/take/use any images, stories, or characters from this site without aforementioned permission.
This Page was Last Modified: 7/9/03